June 19, 2024 at 3:27 pm

Massive Study Proves The Benefits Of Eating A Vegetarian Or Vegan Diet, As Well As How Harmful Processed Foods Are To Our Longevity

by Trisha Leigh

Source: Shutterstock

Our species may have evolved due to the inclusion of protein in our diets, but more and more science is beginning to support a diet that includes only a minimal amount of meat.

This recent study is huge, and proves there are significant benefits to adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet. Research reveals thee diets can significantly decrease the risks of cancer and cardiovascular disease, to name a few, and can also contribute to a longer life.

The international team of scientists included in the study combed through over 20 years of research about plant-based diets to come to their conclusions.

They determined both vegan and vegetarian diets offer a “protective effect” against cancers like “liver, colon, pancreas, lung, prostate, bladder, melanoma, kidney, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.” These diets were also found to reduce instances of metabolic disease and diabetes, both of which contribute to shorter life span and poor quality of life.

Source: Shutterstock

The factors that seem to protect people are the lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar, and reduced inflammation commonly seen in those who eat plant-based diets.

The researchers add that even just de-emphasizing meat in your diet can lead to significant benefits. That said, it has to be the right vegan or vegetarian diet.

Processed foods, while vegan/vegetarian, do more harm than good and do not contribute to good overall health.

Study co-author Federica Guaraldi said those who eat mostly junk food while also eschewing meat won’t reap the same rewards.

“Diets that emphasize consumption of unhealthy plant foods, such as fruit juices, refined grains, potato chips, and even sodas might effectively cancel out the potential health benefits of a plant-based diet.”

Source: Shutterstock

Some have also suggested that more than diet contributes to these people’s better health outcomes, because people who choose a plant-based diet are often health-conscious in other ways, too. They exercise, they get enough sleep and drink enough water, etc.

David Katz, founder of the nonprofit True Health Initiative, says that doesn’t cancel out the results, though.

‘The net effect of plant-predominant dietary patterns is clearly favorable to crucial health outcomes, even if some of the observed benefit is attributable to other lifestyle practices.”

The study also did not consider diets like those inspired by Mediterranean eating, which are largely plant-based but allow for fish and lean meat but are considered healthy nonetheless.

“Data should be taken with caution because of the important methodological limitation associated with the original studies. Potential risks associated with insufficient intake of vitamin and other elements due to unbalanced and/or extremely restricted dietary regimens.”

Basically, don’t just cut meat out of your diet without doing the necessary research on proteins, minerals, and vitamins that will need to be added through other sources.

Source: Shutterstock

There are other things to consider, like the impact of your diet on the environment, and the fact that plant-based meals and ingredients tend to be more expensive and unattainable for those living with stricter budgets.

Most experts suggest starting small, with one day a week dedicated to meals that don’t include meat.

See how you feel and how it works, and maybe go from there.

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