Soldiers Were Told They Could Only Have Two Beers Each With Dinner, So They Had To Improvise To Make Sure They Could Drink More
by Matthew Gilligan
Let the soldiers drink! That’s my motto!
Well, not when they’re on duty or anything, but if they’re out to dinner after working hard, what’s the harm in throwing back several beers?
The former Army person who wrote this story shared how he and his platoon mates got around a two-beer rule.
Take a look!
Platoon Sergeant said we could only have two beers with dinner.
“Germany was my first duty station when I was in the Army.
After FTXs (field training exercises) the platoon would get together for a platoon dinner at the local Hofbrau.
Since it was always the start of a 4 day we would all get hammered at the platoon dinner.
Two beers?!?!
Well PSG (platoon sergeant) eventually said we could only have two beers with dinner.
So we started ordering the one liter steins.
Then PSG said we could only order one stein with dinner.
Time to improvise…
So we started showing up to the hofbrau early to have beers before dinner, and still ordered the steins and then have one with dinner.
Usually by the end of the night all of us were at least 4 steins in and absolutely obliterated but still only had one stein or two beers with dinner.
Good times, good people.”
Check out what folks said on Reddit.
This reader told a story.
Another individual chimed in.
This person also had a story.
And this person had a lot to say.
Two beers definitely wasn’t cutting it…
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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