A Disabled Veteran Asked Her For A Ride Home On Her Motorcycle, But She Wouldn’t Allow It Because It Would Be Dangerous
by Matthew Gilligan
It’s sad but true that we live in a world where people get taken advantage of every day and there are dangers around every corner.
So what is a person supposed to do if a stranger asks them for a ride out of nowhere?
This young woman refused when she was presented with that question and now she wants to know if she was wrong.
Read her story and see what you think.
AITA for refusing to give a lift to a disabled veteran?
“I 19f have been riding motorbikes since I was 17.
I have a full license but I don’t like having people on the back of the bike.
I’ve taken some of my lighter friends around on it but even then, the added weight and responsibility of a passenger stresses me out no end.
She was trying to help out.
Yesterday, I was on my way home when I saw another biker pulled up on the side of the road.
I pulled over alongside him to see if he needed help. He told me the frame on one of his wheels had bent.
He said he lived a few minutes away and he could get his van, load the bike up and fix it at home.
This man, looked to be 6ft and maybe 120kg which is double the weight of anyone I’ve had as a passenger before.
He asked me for a ride and I explained I’m not comfortable with it.
He tried convincing me, assuring me it was only a few minutes but I stood my ground.
I offered to stay with his bike while he walked to his or hailed another ride.
He started mentioning how he was a disabled veteran, clearly expecting this to change my mind. (He is an immigrant, not even my country’s veteran).
When I still refused, he called me a ***** and told me to leave.
When I got home, I told my brother about this and he called me selfish for not putting up with my discomfort to help this man.
Take a look at what folks said on Reddit.
This reader said she’s NTA.
Another person agreed.
This Reddit user chimed in.
Another individual shared their thoughts.
And this reader had a lot to say.
Sounds like her stranger danger alert was on full blast.
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