A Dog Disgusted Him With A Rancid Fart, So He Retaliated And Gained A Furry Friend
by Diana Whelan
Sometimes the most unexpected actions lead to the best friendships.
When a friend’s old pup repeatedly ignored and gas-bombed the protagonist, a smelly incident became the catalyst for an unusual bond.
This story takes an amusing turn when a retaliatory fart turns into the start of a beautiful friendship.
Check it out!
Dog farted on me – I farted right back (and won the dogs affections!)
As you might have noticed this title takes inspiration from the recent pissing cat post.
My friends old Weimaraner Monty never used to care about me.
He was a nice dog but wouldn’t even look in my direction.
He also used to fart like an open sewer.
One time he wondered past as I was on the sofa, and let off one of the most rancid farts id smelled in years, burned my nose and i think my mouth was open too..
That pushed me over the edge, and the next time I needed to fart after dinner, I ran over to Monty, grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and buried his nose between my cheeks as I let off a huge fart.
That was a bit more graphic than we needed.
Not only did I feel vindicated, but he looked at me in the eye properly and then wouldn’t leave me alone for the rest of the day I was there, being super affectionate and interested and friendly.
That was an unexpected turn…
The next time I came round he had ‘forgotten’ me so I did it again and we have been friends ever since.
All I wanted was a bit of petty revenge on a stinky dog, but I made an unexpected buddy!
What began as petty revenge on a flatulent dog turned into a surprising and lasting bond.
Monty went from indifferent to affectionate, all thanks to an unforgettable, if unconventional, gesture.
Reddit is quite amused.
This person is making jokes.
This person has the opposite problem.
And this commenter has, well, a good point.
Who knew that a well-timed fart could be the key to a dog’s heart?
I suppose it shouldn’t really be a surprise.
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · dog, fart, flatulence, FUNNY, petty revenge, picture, reddit, smells, top

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