July 19, 2024 at 2:17 am

Playground Bully Is Being Too Rough With Smaller Kids, So When He Doesn’t Listen To A Mother Who Asks Him To Calm Down, She Finds A Great Way To Teach Him A Lesson.

by Heather Hall

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Unsplash/Ben Hershey

Dodgeball is a lot of fun as long as everyone is respectful and understands the rules of the game.

So, what happens when you see an older kid throwing the ball too hard at younger kids?

Do you yell at the child? Or do you calmly find a better way to get revenge?

In today’s story, a mother finds herself in this exact situation.

Let’s see how she handled it.

Revenge at the playground

I was just a spectator for this, but it gave me such a revenge high that I wanted to share it.

We are sitting at the ball field watching our kids play softball. And as what happens at every field complex in America, the younger kids are playing on the playground.

The 6-7 year olds are playing some form of dodgeball, but I can’t understand the rules. All I know is they are having a blast.

They aren’t hurting each other and all the parents can just watch the game in peace while everyone is having a good time.

It only takes one person to ruin a good time.

About halfway through the game, a kid around 10 shows up and wants to play too.

They let him because they are having fun and the little turd starts hitting the kids WAY too hard for their age.

He is just beaning them.

After the third kid is knocked over by this brat, a parent gets up, comes over to the playground and asks the kid if he could chill a little.

The kids are much younger than him and he’s hurting them.

The little brat says, “It’s just the rules of the game. If your kid doesn’t want to get hurt, he shouldn’t play.”

Rather than yelling, sometimes it’s best to be sneaky.

I was half thinking this kid was about to get an earful from this mother or she would stop her kid from playing.

Instead, she just says ‘ok,’ turns, walks back to her seat and whispers something in the kid’s ear that is sitting next to her playing on his tablet.

The kid without hesitating stands up and says, “Hey can I play?”

The little kids are a little weary because the last kid they invited to play started hurting them.

BUT the kids little brother said, ‘yes.’

Some kids just don’t listen.

The kid came over (he couldn’t have been much older than the brat who had come over earlier. Maybe a year older or so. Like one might have been 10, the other 11 or 12).

They started playing and the minute the brat had beaned another kid really hard the older boy says, “Hey, can you cool it a little? We don’t want to hurt the little kids.”

The brat answered, “Shut up and play. It’s part of the game.”

It’s all fun and games until the bully gets hurt.

The 12-year old just said, “Ok.” A second later you hear the loudest smash of the ball. Every parent turned around and the brat is prone on the ground with his face in the dirt.

The other kid is just standing up from his throwing motion.

The prone brat stands up and has dirt down his face where he got knocked over and he starts to cry.

He takes off running.

About 3 minutes later, the kids mother comes back with the brat and starts asking for the 12-year old’s parents.

The mother said, that would be me.

If you can dish it, then you better be able to take it.

“Your kid hit my kid so hard he left a mark. LOOK,” she said as she pulls up his shirt to show her.

The mother just said, “Those are the rules of the game, if he doesn’t want to get hit, he shouldn’t play.”

The mother of the brat is furious. “Your son is an all-star pitcher. He could have killed my son.”

The mother of the pitcher says, “My son is an all-star pitcher with outstanding control. He hit your son exactly where he wanted to.”

He got rewarded for a job well done.

The other mother tried to come back but the other parents and the kids started telling her how her son was starting it by hitting the little kids.

After that it got into a shouting match and the league commissioner had to come break it up.

The brat and the mother eventually left and about 5 minutes later the mother bought an ice cream for her all-star pitcher.

Too funny! The mother kept calm and used her secret weapon!

Let’s read what Reddit users had to say about this.

This sums it up really well.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Here’s another bully getting what they deserve, but their parent was not on board.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This person also sums it up well.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This person shares a bit of philosophy.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge


The bully got what he deserved!

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.