July 15, 2024 at 7:51 am

Aunt Calls Out Surgeon Sister-in-Law For Downplaying Niece’s Broken Arm, But It Results In Family ER Drama

by Diana Whelan

Source: AITA/Reddit/Pexels/Karolina Kaboompics

Hold onto your seats for this family drama…

This story involves a day at the park gone wrong, concluding with a broken arm, and a surgeon mom with a heart of ice. This tale of concern and confrontation is a real emotional ride.

Let’s see how one aunt’s worry for her niece led to a heated showdown.

AITA for yelling at my sister in law for ignoring my niece’s health complaints?

I (29F) am the proud aunt of two amazing kids, Chloe (7 y/o) and Harry (8 y/o).

I get along really well with the both of them and their parents (My sister Amber (37F) and her wife Kate (38F)) ask me to babysit them sometimes.

We have a special bond.

Cue the ‘awwws.’

The other day, the kids Amber and I went out to the park. Kate wasn’t there because she is a general surgeon and her work-life balance is nonexistent at this point. Kids were playing together in this playground area and Amber and I else were sitting together having a chat.

We heard a scream and rushed to the kids. It turns out Chloe fell and was crying holding her arm.

We both freaked out.

Together, Amber and I took Chloe to the hospital that Kate works at. They took an x-ray of Chloe’s arm and everything.

After Amber trying multiple times and finally reaching Kate, she came down to the ER.

She took a look at the X-ray, talked to the ER doctor, and without letting even the slightest bit of emotion or compassion toward her crying daughter and wife, said it was just a small fracture, that it didn’t extend to the joint and would be okay in a few weeks’ time with just casting.

Talk about a cold shoulder!

The only compassionate thing she did was holding Amber when they got Chloe’s little arm into a cast. I got really mad at Kate and said she was downplaying her daughter’s broken arm and acting as if nothing was wrong!

She simply said kids get injuries like this a lot and there was nothing extraordinary going on here.

And that’s when she lost it…

I may be TA here because I called her an ice cold insensitive mother. Amber got so mad she practically kicked me out of the ER and said she’d go back home with Kate and the kids herself.

She said I’d better apologize to Kate before coming over to their house again.

So was I TA for expecting a more human reaction?

Should I apologize?

Family drama in the ER is never easy! Dealing with a child’s injury is stressful enough without added tension between family members.

Was this aunt right to call out her sister-in-law, or did she overstep? The folks on Reddit think she was probably out of line…

This commenter thinks she really missed the mark.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Yep, most people are pretty convinced she’s out of line…

Source: Reddit/AITA

This one’s just baffled by her reaction.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Welp, I guess emotions run deeper than X-rays.

If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.