Boss Wouldn’t Pay Them Back for Supplies They Paid For Out Of Their Own Pocket, So They Responded By Only Doing The Bare Minimum
by Matthew Gilligan
It’s no fun working for a penny pincher…
It can be maddening!
So, what’s a worker supposed to do when their boss acts like this?
We think you’ll want to take a page out of this person’s book!
Only do my own duties? You got it boss.
“I used to work in a workshop were sheds were produced for farms and businesses.
I was brought on as a general labourer whose tasks were to clean and maintain the yard and workshop, clean and spray steel and to load up the truck with any completed sheds.
When I first joined the company there was 3 other workers there who had their own jobs to complete, one person’s job was to make flashings for the sheds, one person would run the saws and fabricate any plates and cletes needed and then there was a welder.
They were on their own.
Slowly but surely the other workers began to quit due to finding better paying jobs in different companies and eventually I was the last worker there who had to run everything by myself which I had no issue in doing as I prefer to be able to work by myself.
So one day I needed welding wire and normally it would have been the boss’s job to go and pick up any materials or supplies I needed but on this day the boss was away delivering a shed.
So I went out of my way to go and pick up the welding wire myself so I could get a job finished that was behind schedule but issues arose when I informed the boss that he needed to pay me back for the wire as I had to pay for it out of pocket.
I was told that I shouldn’t be doing anything that’s not written in my contract and that I won’t be getting the money back for the wire as he never agreed to pay for it.
They knew what they had to do.
So I went back to my original duties that I had when I first joined the company.
After a few days of this he came into the yard screaming at me as there was no sheds being manufactured and I told him that he better get hiring as I won’t be doing anything out of my jobs description like he stated for me to do.
After 2 weeks of this he hired a new worker who had no idea how to do anything and he tried to get me to train him but I wouldn’t as that was going out of my job’s description.
This went on for about 3 weeks before the company ended up going into liquidation to due to the boss failing to file accounts for the past 4 years.”
Take a look at what folks said on Reddit.
This reader had a lot to say.
This individual spoke up.
This person spoke up.
Another person shared their thoughts.
What a cheapskate!
Good grief!
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · jobs, malicious compliance, reddit, white text, work, working

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