Female Friends Kept Setting Him Up With Girls He Didn’t Want To Date, So He Got Mad At Them. Now They Want An Apology Because They Think He’s Being Too Choosy.
by Sarrah Murtaza
Some friends will really never take a no as a NO!
This guy kept asking his friends to not set him up with girls but they wouldn’t budge.
Until things got a little too out of hand…
Let’s find out what happened.
AITA for being angry with my friends for trying to set me up with people who they know I wouldn’t want to be with?
I (24M) was in a 4 year relationship that ended at the start of 2024.
I haven’t really gotten back in the dating scene, and I have no desire to do so any time in the near future.
Two of my friends (both 24F) keep trying to help me.
He was okay with making some friends…
I went along with it in the beginning because its nice meeting new people, but I don’t go in with the intention of starting a serious relationship- which I’ve stated multiple times.
I’ve been friends with these girls for a long time now, and they’ve seen the type of girls that I’ve dated in the past, and they all kind of fall under the same type of looks and personality.
This might not sound very pleasant…
What I’m going to say next is going to sound really vapid, but I am very fit, all my gfs in the past have been fit.
They know this yet keep trying to set me up with girls who are severely overweight or clearly don’t take that great care of themselves.
I’ve started telling them I don’t want their help anymore, and to stop.
They had a plan!
I went out to a restaurant with them a couple days ago, and I picked them up.
On the way there they told me that there was a girl who works there and she wanted to meet me because she thought I was cute.
I told them regardless of what she thinks the answer would be no.
We get there and I am introduced to this girl who is the exact opposite of what I said I look for in women to my friends.
The friend got too friendly.
She ends up sitting with us the majority of the night because her shift is done.
I am just so fed up of them trying to set me up with someone that I feel like deep down inside they know I wont ever date, that I asked for the bill and paid the tab and said I had to run.
I smiled and said to the girl it was really nice to meet her and I dropped all of them off to their homes.
I guess me driving that girl home meant to her that I was interested, because she reached out to me on facebook, instagram, and they gave her my number so she pm’d me on it too.
I got really angry at the both of them.
I told them not to help me anymore, and that they know what I look for in women yet constantly try and set me up with someone who they know I’ll have 0 interest in.
Now everyone is saying im a POS, saying how all I care about in women is the way they look, how I treat women who aren’t pretty like trash.
He made it clear!
I never asked for any of this!
They expect an apology for my outburst at them, and to the girl whose feelings got hurt in the crossfire of all this garbage after finding out I had no interest.
I just want to reiterate that I never asked for assistance at all.
How is this my fault?
Yikes! Why can’t his friends just take the hint and stop trying too hard?
He clearly sounds very angry!
Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this story.
This person thinks the friends are simply forcing this guy in an unwanted situation.
This girl has a different opinion!
This person has figured out the guy’s type!
This person knows what the girls are doing!
This person feels bad for the date!
These girls could have just let their friend figure out his own dating life!
Guess he needs space from them!
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