July 13, 2024 at 5:13 pm

His Girlfriend Wants Him To Help Pay For Repairs On The Townhouse She Owns, But He Refused Because He Doesn’t Think It’s His Responsibility

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: TikTok

This is a tough one, folks…

It’s a story from Reddit’s “Am I the *******?” page and you better believe that a lot of readers out there have probably been in a situation similar to this one before.

Read on and see if you think this guy is doing anything wrong.

Start now!

AITA for refusing to split costs for repairs/upgrades on my GF’s townhouse that I live in with her?

“About a year ago I moved in with my girlfriend into her townhouse that she has owned for many years.

At the time we agreed I’d pay half of the mortgage, HOA, property taxes and utilities as a sort of “rent” to pay my fair share for living there, even though obviously I’m more than just a tenant.

However, recently there have been some things that have come up for the house that either needed to be done (replace broken water heater), or that she wants to be done (pressure cleaning/painting), and she has asked that I split the costs of those things as well with her.

He had to break it to her.

I told her I felt that since she is the sole owner of the property and all improvements and equity appreciation accrues to her, and I already pay half the mortgage and monthly expenses which benefits her equity at no equity benefit to me, she should be the one responsible for the cost of repairs or maintenance on the property.

She got upset, claiming that it is “my” house as well and I enjoy all the benefits of it, therefore I should also split the costs of all repairs and maintenance.


My problem has been that when I want to make even decorative or cosmetic changes around the house that she disagrees with she’ll half jokingly tell me it’s her house and if I want things different I can get my own place.

But when something needs to be repaired or upgraded in the property, she’ll say it’s my house too (even though my name is nowhere to be found on the title), and I’ve started to feel like she wants to have it both ways.


And here’s what people had to say on Reddit about this story.

This person said he’s NTA.

Source: Reddit

Another viewer agreed.

Source: Reddit

This Reddit user had a lot to say.

Source: Reddit

Another reader spoke up.

Source: Reddit

And this individual also said he’s NTA.

Source: Reddit

These two might be headed for a break up…

If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.