Mysterious Caller Couldn’t Take Accept That They Called The Wrong Number, So He Goes Along With It Until They Got The Hint
by Benjamin Cottrell
Receiving a wrong number phone call can be annoying, but it can also yield some interesting opportunities to mess with people.
When a stranger began incessantly calling asking for “Phil,” this man decided to have a little fun with it.
Find out what he does next!
“Hello, Phil?” I’m not Phil.
This was about 20 years ago, but it still makes me smile when I think about it.
Someone started calling my phone and asking for “Phil” in a strong Scottish accent. It definitely wasn’t anyone I know playing a prank.
He chalks it up to a little mix-up.
At first I’d just say I wasn’t Phil, wrong number. He’d make a weird scoffing noise and hang up.
This only happened once every few weeks but eventually it got annoying.
But the mysterious caller just kept calling.
He’d even leave work related voicemail for “Phil”, but it was mostly calls which went “Hello, Phil?”, wrong number, scoff, hang up.
I sent text messages asking him to change his saved number, which were ignored, and 20 years ago it was hard to block people manually.
One day mystery guy called frantically with an urgent update.
One day he called me obviously in a bit of a panic, and obviously outdoors.
“Hello, Phil? The meeting has been moved up from 4pm to 9am tomorrow. Can you still make it?”
“Phil” decides to change his approach, saying:
“Are you definitely sure?” the mysterious man asks.
“Great, see you tomorrow.”
I never heard from him again. 😁
Well that’s one way to shut him up!
Redditors chimed in with a few amusing stories of their own.
Some people just can’t take a hint.
This person on the other end of a wrong number caller heard a little more than they bargained for.
This person doesn’t even remember answering the call.
This person was basically an honorary employee.
Looks like showing up the mysterious man for an urgent meeting finally put a stop to the annoying phone calls.
He’s finally off the hook.
If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · annoying phone calls, petty revenge, phone calls, picture, reddit, revenge, top, wrong number

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