New Business Owners Wanted Everything That Happened Documented, So An Employee Did What They Were Told And Overloaded Them With Tons Of Information
by Matthew Gilligan
When bosses and managers say they want to know EVERYTHING that’s going on, it usually means they don’t trust their employees and they love to micromanage.
And it can be a real drag working for someone like that!
So, what can you do…?
Well, just follow the directions and maliciously comply!
Take a look at how this person handled it.
You want me to report everything? Ok I will report on EVERYTHING.
“I work in a lumber mill.
My job is to process all the unprocessed wood coming into or out of my yard. Up till now I have been doing my job and am only really concerned with the stuff the government cares about.
That is my main responsibility, mediating between the government and the industry sides.
Say what?!?!
Recently my company got taken over by a bigger guy, they think we are lying about some things that leave our site without my approval.
They even have the audacity to accuse me of selling product on the downlow and pocketing the money.
They come up with a new policy to have me report all products coming into or out of my yard.
When they notified me about this change, they told me to report everything. So I am now keeping meticulous notes on EVERYTHING that enters or leaves the job site.
Sure, no problem!
All the stuff I was doing previously? Documented. All the outgoing product I didn’t need to care about before? Documented. Employees coming in for shift change? Documented.
Some guy missed his exit and turned around in our driveway? You better believe that got documented, in triplicate.
Paper and ink usage have increased by at least 10 times. The best part is of course the guy that demanded we start documenting everything now has to go over everything I report and find it on the security cameras to verify.
Last I heard he has been quietly trying to get this policy reversed. Others affected by this policy have actually been by to thank me since my meticulous records make their record keeping much easier.”
Here’s how people reacted.
This reader shared their thoughts.
Another individual had a lot to say.
This Reddit user offered some advice.
Another person chimed in.
And this Reddit user had a lot to say.
You did say EVERYTHING, right?
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.

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