She Thought It Would Be A Good Idea To Save Money On Her Wedding, But Now Her Step-Daughter Is Furious
by Jayne Elliott
Step-moms often get a bad reputation, and in today’s story, one step-mom-to-be is already getting off to a bad start with her soon to be step-daughter.
Let’s see how the story unfolds…
AITA buying my step-daughter a used bridesmaid dress?
I’m getting married in December of this year.
I am bringing 2 daughters into this marriage. They’re 8 & 12.
My fiance has a daughter from a previous marriage as well, Kiki (15). All 3 girls are in my wedding party, with Kiki as a bridesmaid.
I’m letting all of my bridal party pick out their dresses, with the condition they’re all the same color and within a certain budget. I’m also paying for all of them.
She liked the dress Kiki picked out.
Kiki sent me a link to the dress she liked and I thought it was pretty.
I planned on ordering it once I had the other members of the wedding party sending me what they wanted.
She was excited to get a deal on Kiki’s dress.
I was scrolling on Facebook one night and one of the buy/sell groups I’m apart of showed the dress that Kiki sent me. It was only used once in a wedding and is in perfect condition.
You can’t even tell it was worn before. It also so happened to be in her size. So, I figured it’d be cheaper to buy this as it’s a dress she’ll likely also wear once and never again.
Buying the used dress would save her a lot of money.
The dress new online is $200. The person was selling it for $50 and just wanted it gone.
I’ve seen the dress in person. No stains, no smells. Truly a steal. So, I bought it.
Kiki was NOT happy.
When I told Kiki, she got mad and said she was the only one not getting a brand new dress.
I pointed out I’m still getting her new shoes, accessories (again all of her choice), have alternations done to the dress as needed, she’ll have her hair and makeup done with us.
She wasn’t trying to single Kiki out as the only one with a used dress.
If I found any other member of the bridal party’s dress in a similar condition and cheaper price in a Facebook group or a thrift store, I’d buy it.
As it is, I’m spending about a grand on dresses for the 5 members of my bridal party. If I can save a little money, I will.
Kiki’s dad is ok with the used dress, but the rest of his family isn’t.
Kiki wants me to buy her the brand new dress.
I spoke with my fiance and he agrees with me.
We told Kiki if she wants the dress brand new, she can pay the difference.
She’s still upset with us. Other members of my husband’s family feels I’m being a cheap a** and should just buy the dress new. AITA?
Weddings can be super expensive. I completely understand wanting to save money where you can.
Let’s see how Reddit feels about the used dress.
This reader is on OP’s side.
Another reader is on Kiki’s side.
This reader pointed out why the used dress is a bad idea.
Another reader thinks saving money isn’t worth it in this case.
This reader thinks Kiki’s feelings should be the top priority.
The bride-to-be better be careful or she’ll be labeled the evil step-mother.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, bridesmaid dress, dress shopping, picture, reddit, step daughter, step mother, top, used dress, wedding

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