She Told Her Sister She Was Pregnant Before She Told Her Husband, But Now Her Husband Is Mad At Her Sister And Everyone Else Is Mad At Her Husband
by Jayne Elliott
Finding out you’re going to have a baby can be exciting, stressful and sometimes overwhelming.
In today’s story, one wife regrets how she reacted when she found out she was pregnant, and now everyone is mad at her husband.
Let’s see how the story progresses…
AITA for cancelling plans after my SIL told everyone she knew about my baby before me?
20 weeks ago, my wife (25F) and I (23M) found out we are having a baby.
I was in an important meeting when she took the test and she wasn’t expecting to get a positive, so she called her sister (23F) to talk with her and to calm her nerves.
Soon after, I got out of my meeting and my wife had driven to my work to meet me.
They were both excited!
She told me the news and I was ecstatic.
She then told me that her sister already knew as she had freaked out and didn’t know what to do (this is our first pregnancy).
I was completely fine with it and we left it at that.
Get ready for an awkward silence…
Fast forward 20 weeks, some friends of ours came over for a holiday in the town where we live.
One of the group had flown in from overseas and was closer with SIL than us, and we hadn’t seen her for 2 years. She congratulated us on the pregnancy and then, in front of everyone, expressed surprise that SIL had found out before me.
My wife was mortified and the whole room fell into awkward silence.
He acted like it wasn’t a problem.
I half addressed the statement and shrugged it off, but it occurred to me that a) SIL had been bragging that she was the first to know and that b) her friend felt okay bringing that up in front of people.
About 5 minutes after the initial comment was made, my wife and I left the room.
It actually was a problem.
I informed SIL over text that we would not be joining everyone for the rest of the evening, as I was quite upset, but more importantly, my wife was devastated.
Wife revealed she had been feeling bad for telling her SIL instead of me first the whole time, but because I hadn’t made an issue of it she hadn’t brought it up.
Then today happened.
Today’s events have brought everything to the surface.
Everyone thinks I am being unreasonable (except my wife, but she is always in my corner).
AITA for ruining our evening over my SIL telling people she knew about my baby before me?
It seems like the husband in this story is trying to defend his wife, who is probably more emotional than usual. Pregnancy hormones are no joke! It’s probably safe to say that her sister doesn’t have any kids and doesn’t understand how sensitive she is right now.
Let’s see how Reddit readers reacted.
This reader thinks OP made the right decision.
Another person pointed out that he reacted to support his wife, and that matters.
One person suggests blasting the SIL later…
And here’s a warning for the delivery room…
This reader pointed out why the wife was so upset.
It seems like the sister in law was clearly bragging. She’s the one acting childish and unreasonable.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, first child, picture, pregnancy, pregnant, reddit, sister in law, top

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