July 22, 2024 at 3:24 am

Her Younger Sister Took Her Therapist’s Advice And Said No To Her Older Sister’s Early Birthday Celebration Invite. Now Her Older Sis Thinks She’s Choosing Her Therapist Over Her.

by Heide Lazaro

Source: Reddit/AITA/Canva

There are two types of people in the world: a narcissist and a people pleaser.

In this story, the two sisters, while they used to be close, have very different ways of coping with past traumas.

So when she tried to say “no” to her sister, the sister flipped out and didn’t speak to her again.

Find out the full story below.

AITA For choosing my therapist over my sister?

I (24f) and my sister (27f) have always been very close, due to an unhealthy and inconstant family dynamics between us and our parents.

Then, I started dating and met an amazing guy.

We really hit it off.

Her ex-boyfriend said she had issues and needed therapy.

But, he thought I needed therapy before we could be anything more, because I had clear issues.

Mainly, he told me that I erased myself to make sure everyone else was happy, and he didn’t want to be in a relationship with someone that would always want whatever he wanted.

That’s beside the point.

He and I lost contact after a while, but what he said made me notice that I indeed have a lot of issues, so a year or so ago I decided to start therapy.

Her therapist challenged her to say “no.”

Since the beginning, my sister has been really against it and always brings it up asking “if I’m still doing the therapy thing?”

The problem is, now, my therapist gave me the challenge of saying no to things that make me uncomfortable.

My sister asked me to go out with her and some friends of hers on Saturday to celebrate the month of her birthday.

Her bday is on July 19, so it’s not really the official celebration.

I don’t really know any of them and felt uncomfortable, so I said no, but told her we could go out on Sunday.

Her sister lost it.

My sister asked me why I said no, and I told her all of this. She flipped out, though.

She told me she always knew that I would end up choosing to hear a random person over her, and now, I was being just like my parents, and not being there for her important moments.

She told me she refused to have another person like mom and dad in her life, and if I didn’t choose her, she didn’t want anything to do with me.

Now, her sister isn’t talking to her.

I told her the choice was clear, and that my therapist clearly cared more about me than her.

I’m a mess right now. I haven’t stopped crying since.

My sister isn’t talking to me. I tried calling ang DMing her, and she blocked me.

Even their common friends told her she was to blame.

Some friends in common of ours reached out and told me I was a jerk, that I could do a small thing for my sister, but choose this hill to die on.

I honestly feel like the biggest jerk, also.

At the end of the day, my sister also has traumas from our childhood, and maybe I made them worst.

The worst part is that my mom heard about our fight and told me that I was right. I should always choose myself.

And if she is on my side, probably I’m wrong. AITA?

Let’s see how other people react to this story.

This user tries to explain each point very clearly.

Reddit: Source/AITA

Another good response from this user here.

Reddit: Source/AITA

This one suggests that your sister needs therapy, too.

Reddit: Source/AITA

This user explains pretty much how therapy works.

Reddit: Source/AITA

Finally, this one shares their personal thoughts about the sister.

Reddit: Source/AITA

It’s never unhealthy to choose yourself over pleasing somebody else.

Both of these sisters sound like they could use some therapy.

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