July 25, 2024 at 1:48 pm

People In The Hotel Room Next Door Were Super Loud, So He Figured Out How To Shut Them Up For Good

by Trisha Leigh

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

It can be a treat to get a night or two in a hotel room if it’s not something you do often.

Sure, the sheets might not be clean, but at least you’re not staring at your own list of chores for a few hours, right?

These people were trying to enjoy their stay, but the folks in the next room wouldn’t let them relax.

That is, until the husband had a brilliant idea.

Read on to find out his magic trick!

How to quiet noisy hotel neighbors

So this happened several years ago however my Wife and I still get a good chuckle to this day.

We were visiting her sister and nephews in a small town in Delaware for the weekend.

Her sister’s house was small so we opted to stay at a dinky hotel in town. We enjoy our evening quiet time.

They were looking forward to some downtime in their room, but the people next door were wound up.

Our first day visit was done and we headed back to the hotel. This is one of those dinky hotels that the walls were paper thin.

We settled in and were in bed. My Wife likes to read before bed and I’m on my iPad browsing.

We then heard loud thumps, couple of screeches and what sounded like loud walking next door. Enough where it was rattling the table lamp closest to the shared wall.

It gave us pause and we thought ok, a neighbor with a couple of kids.

He figured they would settle down but it seemed to get worse.

It stopped and we went back to our thing.

It started again and then again. By this time I was thinking “boy what rambunctious little Crotch Goblins they have”. By this time my Wife was getting agitated.

She quipped that maybe we should contact the Manager. I said “no Baby, it will go away” “they should be going to bed soon.”

However, the noise would continue. The thumping, screeching and making the lamp rattle like from a small earthquake.

Now my Wife is starting to get really pissed. She started to insist that we contact the Manager to make it stop.

His wife wanted to call the front desk, but he figured he could get them to stop on his own.

She started to reach for the phone. I said “No Baby, I got this”. She asks “Are you going to contact the manager or knock on their door?”

I said “no, I got this”. I proceeded to get out of bed, walk towards the wall, face it and get as close as I could I yelled “OH BABY, SPANK MY HAIRY A**!!!!”

I proceed back to bed.

My Wife’s jaw dropped and she covered her mouth to keep from laughing so hard. The noise mysteriously stopped.

Mission accomplished. We didn’t hear a peep for the rest of the evening. Nor for the rest of the weekend for that matter.

Problem solved!

Let’s find out if this made Reddit chuckle.

Oh man, he ruined their night!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Bless his heart.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

He couldn’t pull the trigger.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge


Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

They played dirty.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Sometimes you have to get creative.

After all, someone else won’t always be around to solve your problems.

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.