August 14, 2024 at 5:23 pm

Couple Is Stuck Taking Care Of An Ungrateful Aunt And It’s Making Their Lives Miserable, So They Secretly Bought A House So They Can Get Away As Soon As Possible

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/Pexels

No doubt about it, the woman who wrote the story you’re about to read is in a real pickle…

And you’ll see what I mean in a minute when you dive into what she had to say on Reddit’s “Am I the *******?” page.

Take a look at what happened and see if you think she’s doing anything wrong.

AITA for buying a home and keeping it a secret?!

“I am a 33 y/o female in PA who’s been couch hopping the last 5 years since my ex put me in hospital.

Almost two years ago I met my now fiancĂ© who had an “uncle” pass from cancer in Dec 2022.

There is NO blood relation to this part of family but we loved just the same.

We both offered to move in with his “aunt” the following Feb 2023 for a short period so she wouldn’t need to upheave her entire life/sell house after losing her husband (we were promised the house would be our space to feel like our own to have friends over, do what we plz etc).

She’s going above and beyond.

We each pay her $300/month for food/bills etc to help out.

It has been almost 2 years and we have been trapped with doing EVERYTHING in and around her home because she is a 55 yo 450+lb invalid who refuses to do for herself.

She has some medical issues like arthritis/anxiety/cellulitis etc. where she has been hospitalized for them.

This sounds really bad…

But she’s also been cleared by the visiting nurses and PT shortly after.

I have become her personal maid/caregiver because she refuses to have outsiders come in because then they would see her home and lifestyle.

Also her family and friends weren’t being financially compensated for their time, so they dipped. The family knew how bad she was and never forewarned warned us.

I have owned my own home before, I understand the hardships and endless house work and all that goes into it.

That’s her excuse “this is what goes into owning a home”.

My fiancĂ© and I both work close to 60 some odd hours per week in EMS/fire…as soon as we walk through the door it’s “do this, do that, grab me this as she walks by, what are you making for dinner?!”

She rarely gets up for anything except to use the bathroom.

We aren’t allowed having our friends over, she asks “what are you doing/why are you moving it” if we touch ANYTHING we need to move or use.

Neither of us see a change in behavior or attitude towards living her own life.

She enjoys being catered to too much.

They have big plans soon.

We bought our small home and will be closing within a couple weeks.

We have not told a single soul of our plans as so it won’t get back to her and make things a billion times worse…

We plan on telling her everything once we actually have the keys in hand…. and I will offer to stay an extra month or two, to help her depending on her reaction(btw she’s an expert at crying/ guilting to get her way.”

Reddit users shared their thoughts.

This reader said she’s NTA.

Source: Reddit

Another individual chimed in.

Source: Reddit

This Reddit user shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit

This reader spoke up.

Source: Reddit

And another individual said she’s NTA.

Source: Reddit

She has a lot of good reasons to keep it a secret!

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.