Dad Whips Up Mother’s Day Feast And Includes Their Neighbor, But The Neighbor’s Husband Was Less Than Appreciative
by Diana Whelan
They say the way to a person’s heart is through their stomach, but this Mother’s Day breakfast caused a bit more heartburn than expected!
Was this dad just being neighborly, or did he cross a line?
Read on for the story!
AITA for trying to “upstage” my neighbor on Mother’s Day?
So yesterday was Mother’s Day. In the before times I (33M) would take my mom and my wife (34F) out to breakfast for Mother’s Day.
This year my mom didn’t really feel comfortable going out so we decided I would make a made to order Mother’s Day breakfast for my mom, my wife and my wife’s mom.
So breakfast is in full swing I have everyone’s orders and I’m going in. Eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes the whole shabangabang.
While I’m cooking the “moms” are outside on the back patio while the my oldest (4M) runs around the back yard and they take turns hold the baby.
What a guy!
While they were outside my neighbor (F late 30’s) was outside with her daughter (maybe 8) and the moms and my (F)neighbor started talking.
My mom comes in and asks would it be too much trouble to include the (F)neighbor in breakfast and I say “sure I have some French toast mix ready to go if they will be fine with that.”
Breakfast goes off perfectly. All the ladies had a big breakfast with a few mimosas.
I ran around the yard with the kids and after an hour or two (F) neighbor said thank you and went home.
After another hour or two my mom and my wife’s mom went home as well.
Later on in the evening I’m outside watering our small veggie garden and my neighbor’s husband (late 30’s) comes over to our shared fence and asks if we can have a man to man talk.
Apparently he was upset that I tried to “upstage” his Mother’s Day present (bagels and coffee and flowers) and tried to make him feel guilty for going golfing with friends (I’m guessing the friends don’t have kids or moms) instead of spending the day at home.
Wow. Really?
I honestly didn’t even know what to say. It was my mom’s idea but I guess I did go along with it.
I told my wife and she said “you should of told him to **** himself,” but I guess I could see where another man is cooking your wife breakfast for Mother’s Day is kinda inappropriate.
I would like to add that up until this point my wife and I had nothing past basic nice neighborly interactions with these specific neighbors.
That’s another reason why I considered I could have been the asshole. I’m a “good morning” and then keep it moving kind of person.
I’m not adverse to small talk but it’s not something I consciously do.
So besides me saying hi and bye and acknowledging holidays and the different weather I haven’t really cultivated much of a relationship with them.
So for one day his wife to just come over the neighbors house who usually doesn’t say more than a few words could be kind of questionable.
So, Reddit AITA?
Wow, this situation went from sunny-side-up to scrambled real fast.
Does Reddit think that this dad crossed a line, or is his neighbor just over-easy about his parenting skills?
This person says he did nothing wrong and the neighbor is just feeling ashamed.
This commenter agrees–he’s quite opposite from being the AH.
This person thinks the neighbor is lazy, even in his blame game.
Seems like the only thing this breakfast stirred up was a whole lot of neighborly beef.
At least the ladies had a nice morning.
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