August 3, 2024 at 1:49 am

Entitled Lady Reports Every Neighbor Who Makes A Little Noise, So The Entire Neighborhood Came Together And Planned Revenge On Her

by Heide Lazaro

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge/Canva

We all have that one rude neighbor.

But if that one neighbor bullies the entire neighborhood, it’s amazing how the neighbors can work together to fight back.

Here’s a satisfying story on how the whole area unites in order to gang up on the rude neighbor.

Read the whole story and find out what their petty revenge was.

Neighbors come together.

This story involves my house, two houses on either side, and most of the street behind us.

The lady next to me is the aggressor, and shall be called Q for QUIET!

I’m M for me, “…” are uninvolved houses, and the neighbors will be labeled as numbers.

..1 2 3 4 5 6….

…….7 Q M 9 10

This is basically how Q behaves.

Q loves to call the cops for noise. ALL THE TIME.

If 3 has a few friends over, 7 plays guitar, or anyone plays music at all…

Or any of the 5 households with dogs barking, or poor frigging 4 trying to beat the nuts off a flat tire in a blizzard, she calls the cops.

They told her stop, and charged her some fine, apparently.

But she just stands on her porch, mean-mugs people, then screams “QUIET!” if you make eye contact with her.

The neighbors came up with a plan.

9 and 3 came over one day to tell me the plan.

Every one was fed up with Q, and wanted to legally retaliate.

They looked up all the sound law crap in my area, and asked me to be loud at certain times (like 12-1 pm and 10-11 pm or something I think).

With all of us taking 1 or 2 hours, we had stuff going the entire time it was allowed.

On weekends, we added an hour. It was an amusing few days.

Q reported the neighbors, but nothing happened.

Then, she called again, saying we threatened her and vandalized her property.

It was totally false, but it’s something the cops would respond to.

So they talked to everyone, figured out it was BS, smirked at our retaliation, and left.

So, she resorted to throwing rocks.

Another few more days of “sound shifts,” 3, 4, and 7 said Q resorted to throwing small rocks from her yard.

4 had video, 7 had video, and a mark where it hit him. Boom!

One detailed police report later, we made a deal with Q to not press charges if she would stop freaking out about noise.

She agreed, we ended the shifts, and she stopped being as ridiculous (go a second past the allowed time and she’s on it though).

What a plan! What can you say about the neighbors’ revenge? Let’s find out how people reacted.

Short but accurate!

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This user refers to a popular animation.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This one says unity can be powerful.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Clever, yes. But delicious?

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This user shared a similar experience.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge


When you bully an entire neighborhood, they will all come together to unite against you.

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.