Rude Employee At Their Son’s Day Camp Embarrassed Them Over A Small Fee, So They Made Sure Their Kids Brought Tons Of Sugar And Kazoos To Drive The Employees Crazy
by Matthew Gilligan
Hell hath no fury like a parent who feels they’ve been wronged when it comes to their kids…
You can say that again!
And this Reddit user wasn’t happy about being embarrassed in front of other parents so they decided to take a unique approach when it came time to seek revenge.
Check out what happened!
Camp Woes.
“My son is in a day camp. It’s kind of pricey at $300 per week, but he enjoys it.
He came home one day with what I thought was ringworm. He said many other kids at camp had the same sores. I kept him home and treated it.
Turns out it was impetigo. He ended up being out of camp for 2 weeks.
The camp NEVER alerted us parents about a skin infection outbreak. Now I’m out $600 for camp, $229 for an urgent care trip, plus whatever the meds cost. Super annoying.
I called the camp and asked to be refunded for the time he couldn’t be there. The way it works is you can pay by day, or by week, so there is no strict attendance requirement.
I just happened to prepay for a couple of weeks. They offered me a refund of $45 to be applied to my account.
How very kind.
This was his first week back at camp. I paid the weekly fee minus $45.
I dropped him off this morning for a big field trip that he was super excited about. He’s all packed, and has been waiting for this.
Oh, boy…
The lady that’s running the show comes out and makes this HUGE scene.
She’s yelling because I was short $45 and I HAD BETTER have $45 if I thought he was going to on on this trip and if I DIDN’T have $45 I would just have to take him home.
There were other parents there. It was incredibly embarrassing.
I didn’t argue.
I forked out the $45 and apologized for my oversight.
I told her my son’s birthday is this week and that he hadn’t ever gotten to do a class party because he’s a summer baby and asked if it would be ok for me to provide cupcakes and such to share with his friends.
Those kids are gonna lose their minds!
Tomorrow my son is showing up at camp with cupcakes cakes, candy bars, cookies, ALLLLL the sugar and a couple hundred of the most obnoxious party favors I could find.
Kazoos, those loud things you blow into that roll out, streamers, popping confetti bombs, balloons, the works.
I hope that lady has a FANTASTIC day tomorrow.”
Let’s see what Reddit users had to say about this.
This individual chimed in.
Another Reddit user spoke up.
This individual didn’t hold back.
Another reader knows how they would’ve handled it.
And this person chimed in.
Those kids were gonna be bouncing off the walls!

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