A Rude, New Neighbor Throws Huge Parties And Now Their Driveway Is Getting Constantly Blocked, So They Hatched A Plan That Set In Motion A Satisfying Revenge They Didn’t Even Have To Execute
by Matthew Gilligan
Why do some people out there have to make life so much more difficult than it needs to be?
That’s the BIG question today, my friends!
Take a look at this story from Reddit and see how a jerk neighbor got what was coming to them.
I got my neighbor towed.
“We live in a split level house with a neighbor above us.
We get the driveway according to a lease, and the upper level has always had a space to park out front of the house on the street. We have lived here for years with multiple tenants in the apartment above us.
We kept our guests in our driveway or anywhere else on the street to keep the space open for our housemate.
Recently, someone moved in next door.
To put it nicely, he’s an ex frat bro. Every weekend the entire street parking filled up, especially in front of our house which has great access to the main street with proximity to this guy’s house.
Our landlord went over to talk to them about it.
Then it started happening through the week.
It was obviously a pain in the *** for our upstairs neighbor, but it never bothered me until they started to park their cars within inches of either side of our driveway.
A thing about our driveway… it is extremely narrow without being elongated by car widths.
Furthermore, it backs basically directly into a busy main street.
That’s annoying…
Without the cars on either side of the driveway, I can clear the space fine. With them, I am forced to make a 9 point turn just to back out of my already narrow driveway.
This week we decided to block out the parking in front of our house for a small event this weekend by parking our cars in front of the house instead of in the driveway.
Mind you there is plenty of parking just up the street just as close to their house.
It just does not have the ease of access to the main road, but that is accessible with plenty of parking just next door down the street.
We were not blocking parking for anything other than directly in front of our house.
We parked our cars a little far apart to conserve maximum space.
I made sure there was enough space that if someone tried to park in front us they might clear it, but they’d definitely be blocking our entire driveway.
We told our housemate she could park in the driveway, because we were taking up her normal space.
Well, what do ya know?!?!
We look out the window this evening to see flashing lights and a tow truck.
Someone had parked directly in front of our driveway, blocking the entire thing.
Our neighbor came home late from work and called the tow truck without us even knowing.
That was exactly what I was hoping for but had not thought anyone was actually dumb enough to do.
Honestly, I feel a little bit like a jerk.
It felt satisfying when the tow truck used the ease of access to the main road that they could not miss for one weekend to tow their car off as they ran out of their home behind it yelling, “Wait! Wait!””
Check out how folks reacted.
This reader was a bit confused…
Another individual shared their thoughts.
This person spoke up.
Another individual shared a story.
He had it coming!
If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.
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