September 21, 2024 at 5:22 am

A Pushy Real Estate Developer Tried to Pressure Them Into Selling Their House, So They Asked Them To Sell Something Far More Valuable To Prove A Point

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit

This Reddit story sounds like it could be a movie

Greedy developers, a person standing their ground, and all kinds of drama that lead to a final showdown.

Are you ready to dive into this story now that I’ve built it up?

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AITA for not being nice to the people trying to force me to sell my home?

“A large company is trying to buy up all the houses in my area to build a luxury resort with a golf field, pool, and other things.

A few days ago I got a knock on my door and someone came over and she told me she was offering to buy my home, willing to give me 5% over “market value” (their bull **** market value is less than I bought it for).

No, thanks!

I politely said “No I’m sorry but I am not at all interested in selling my house, have a good day”.

She kept trying to sell the house and I told her have a good day. 3 days later she came back with a new offer, now 7.5% over market value. I said the same thing, please go away I am not interested.

Next day someone else called me, I just hung up on them. All of my neighbors have been getting the same thing, some are deciding to sell, but most are refusing.

Give it a rest, lady!

That same lady comes over, I was outside doing yard maintenance and says “hello, good news we have a better offer for you, 12% over market value, that’s great isn’t it? surely we can work something out.”

I then asked “do you have kids? a pet?”

She then responded back and said “I have a son and 2 cats, why?”

I then said “how much for your son? I’ll give you 15k for him, and 2k for both your cats”.

Take a hint!

She confused said “ummm, those aren’t for sale”

I responded back “ok jerk, neither is my house, I hope you understand now, get the **** off my property and never come back, you’re not welcome here or anywhere in this neighborhood.”

She said “listen I tried being nice to you, your house will be sold, and we will try other legal means to get your house”.

Me: “did you not understand what I said, get the **** off my property you ugly disgusting *****” she left.

I’m scared that this company is going try to use “dominio eminente” to force me to sell my house.”

Here’s what Reddit users had to say.

This reader had a lot to say.

Maybe not the best way to handle it...

Another individual said they’re NTA.

Maybe not the best way to handle it...

This person agreed.

Maybe not the best way to handle it...

Another Reddit user shared their thoughts.

Maybe not the best way to handle it...

And this person weighed in.

Maybe not the best way to handle it...

Pushy people need to get an earful from time to time…

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.