September 25, 2024 at 6:50 am

Driver Leaves Skid Marks On Their Front Lawn And Keeps Harassing Them, So They Went To His Boss And Got Him Fired

by Abby Jamison

Source: Reddit/pettyrevenge/Pexels/KPMiller

There’s nothing worse than knowing someone did something, but not being able to prove it.

Luckily, this person was diligent enough to get all the facts in order to get some serious revenge against someone harassing their family.

Let’s get into it…

Skid on my lawn and harass my family? Hope your job security is good

I have known the people that committed these actions for quite a while.

Some of them were good friends, some I had no beef with at all. Then they went rogue for no apparent reason.

Anyway, this happened a month ago and it progressed ever since.

My family and I live in a rather quiet neighbour hood and like to mind our business.

There are a few selfish individuals who live in my town who enjoy to harass people, do drugs and generally get up to no good.

The main ringleader is a person I went to school with, he left a few years ago to go to a military school for whatever reason I wouldn’t know.

Let’s call him degenerate.

This is where things get messy…

One Sunday night after midnight, degenerate and his friends decide it’d be funny to get in his car, drive out to my place and do skids on our front lawn by the road.

I notice these marks the next morning when I’m walking to the bus and degenerate is the first person that comes to mind when I think about who could’ve done it.

Later that day, I sent him a message via social media asking if he knew anything about it.

He replied with “nah man I don’t have my car it’s getting fixed” alright, whatever I’ll believe you. The next night, he comes back again. This time my lawn is absolutely torn to pieces.

Having a lot of rain within the days previous, they’re deep too. I was boiling with anger at this point.

Later that evening (at 5:15pm, this time will mean something later on) I was walking down the road with one my of friends, and degenerate drives past with 3-4 other mates in his car.

I recognised at least one person in the car, who had been a friend of mine until he got into drugs and completely went off the rails.

Now, here is where the time that I saw him becomes relevant. I send him a message on the Tuesday asking if he was involved in it.

He denies it again, his reason being that he had taken his car to get the back windscreen replaced at 5:15pm on the MONDAY.

This was fishy…

The glass repair shop closes at 5pm, and why would he be going there to get it fixed with 3-4 other people? It didn’t add up.

By then I had proved that he had his car on Monday night and he was lying. As for the Sunday night car possession, he then said he did have it on Sunday night.

Either way, I proved to him that he did have his car both nights.

As I later found out, he had come to my school on Monday and was bragging to my friends about how he did the skids on my lawn and that he wanted me to find out by myself.

Degenerate is too dumb to figure out that they’re gonna come straight to me.

Fast forward roughly 3 weeks down the track and I’m at a party and degenerate is there.

He comes up to me and says “oi OP how are the skids on your lawn ahahaha” while breathing smoke in my face.

This all died down for a couple of weeks, until a week ago they came again but with another truck with mud tires.

My parents heard it happening but didn’t think it was them doing skids on our lawn.

Lawn took a pretty good beating that night, and there were feces from either a dog or a human that appeared there on the same night.

My father had already contacted the police after the first set but they said they couldn’t do anything.

They were contacted again and we have number plates and names etc, they said they would go and visit them on the Monday.

Fast forward to a couple of days ago and my parents receive a letter anonymously accusing my father of having an affair with the writer’s mother.

They decide to take it to the next level…

Infuriated, dad goes to the police again and they open a police file and make a note for harassment. Degenerate is also a known drug dealer, so he tells them that too.

So in his police file there are notes for harassment and that he could be a drug dealer. I know he is for sure, but the police can’t do anything about it yet.

The revenge is just getting started. I suggested that we should go to his employer, who hired him about two weeks ago.

Father rings up degenerates employer and chats with them and details what degenerate has been doing to my family.

Employer is thoroughly disgusted and wants to have a meeting in person with my dad. This meeting was with the big boss and branch manager.

And finally, revenge is served…

Yesterday degenerate got sent home from work and after today’s meeting the managers are seriously mad and are going to sort him out.

Since he’s on a 90 day trial, he could lose his job. But if that happens I’ll actually gather evidence that he’s a drug dealer and his house will get raided.

Degenerate is also a keen outdoorsman, but with the police file he’s acquired with his actions, this means he will never be able to get a gun license, or get a job where you get a police check (any job that has security involved).

The revenge isn’t finished yet, but he is pretty screwed already and it’s been very satisfying.

Let’s get into the comments…

Lots of Reddit user had unique suggestions to get revenge.

Source: Reddit/pettyrevenge

This commenter backs up OP’s decisions.

Source: Reddit/pettyrevenge

And another user had a great recommendation!

Source: Reddit/pettyrevenge

Thanks to this persistent person, hopefully there’s one less criminal on the streets!

If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.