Good Student Suspected A Slacker Was Cheating Off Of Them, So They Filled In The Wrong Answers On Purpose And Made Him Miss Graduation
by Matthew Gilligan
I had a friend in college who shall remain nameless who was a hardcore CHEATER.
He barely went to class, barely did the work, and then expected to cheat off of me when test time rolled around.
All I could say to him was GET LOST…because I didn’t want to get caught AND I thought he needed to learn a lesson.
I wonder what ever happened to that guy…
Anyway, that story reminded me of this tale from Reddit.
Check out what happened!
Enjoy that zero on the final exam.
“This was the end of senior year of undergrad – I was rather studious…never missed a class, paid attention, turned in every assignment on time, got good grades.
This other kid in class was nice enough, but a slacker, would bang his phone all class and was the worst group teammate.
Throughout the term, we would say ‘hi’ in passing but that’s about it.
Desks in this class were the type where 2-people desks, and while there were no assigned seats, students tend to sit in the same seats all semester.
This was weird…
So it struck me odd that when I sat in my seat, well-prepared for the final, that Mr. Slacker immediately sat next to me.
The exam was to be 80% Scantron/multiple choice and 20% essay…and was to be 50% of our final grade in the class.
I had a strong feeling the extent of Mr. Slacker’s exam-preparation was his plan to cheat off of me.
Professor was so lax, he sat at the front reading during exams.
Knew it!
Sure enough, every time I turned a page, he turned a page, when I would fill in a circle, he would fill in a circle.
Some students huddle over their papers to fend off cheaters, I leaned back, making it exceptionally easy for him.
The only problem for him, though, was I would make a tiny dot next to the correct answer and fill in the wrong bubble for all 80 questions.
He was in for a shock!
Not surprisingly, we finished the multiple choice section at the exact same time, and I moved on to the essay section.
Mr. Slacker, however, felt that 80 (or maybe a few wrong) of the total 100, was good enough, and he went ahead and turned in his exam, skipping the essay section altogether.
I finished the long answers, corrected my Scantron, and turned it all in.
Did not hear his name called at graduation.”
Let’s see what folks had to say about this.
This person shared their thoughts.
Another individual chimed in.
This person had a lot to say.
Another person spoke up.
And this Reddit user thought this was going in another direction.
If you cheat, the only person you’re cheating is yourself.Nice work!
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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