Guy Mistakes A Stranger For A Valet And Rudely Throws His Keys At Him, But Now He’ll Probably Never Find Those Keys Again
by Heather Hall
Jumping to conclusions can backfire, especially when it involves being rude to the wrong person.
What would you do if someone mistook you for a valet and threw their car keys at you, all while being condescending?
In the following story, a man finds himself in this exact scenario.
Let’s see how it played out.
Mistake me for the valet and be rude to me, have a nice walk home.
I’m black (this will become relevant later), and people have this habit of mistaking me for the staff, no matter what I’m wearing.
About 15 years ago, I went to a fancy restaurant (dressed appropriately in slacks and a nice shirt, tie, and jacket) for a lunch interview (ahh, heady dot-com days, but I digress).
After the interview, I’m walking out when a man drives up in an expensive car (a Porsche 911), screeches to a stop, hops out, and hurls his keys at me.
Instincts being what they are, I catch them (surprised me; my coordination is terrible enough that I couldn’t catch a cold).
This just goes to show that assumptions can leave you stranded.
It dawns on me that the man has mistaken me for a Valet (this is ironic because this particular restaurant HAS NO VALET Parking).
I start, “Excuse me..” and he responds in the most condescending of tones, “What, are you stupid? Just park my ******* car!”
I’m struck speechless as he glares at me, and I nod. He turns to go into the restaurant, I walk down the street (it’s near Newbury St in Boston), get to the section that is a Highway overpass, and drop the keys onto the side of the highway.
I’ve always wondered how Mr ******* got home.
Wow! That guy had some nerve!
Here’s how the fine folks over at Reddit responded to this situation.
Too funny!
Seems Porsche drivers have a bad reputation.
Yikes, this person would’ve taken it to another level.
This probably wouldn’t have ended well for either of them.
He got what was coming to him!
Next time, maybe he’ll stop and listen when someone is speaking to him.
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · fancy restaurant, mistaken identity, petty revenge, picture, porsche, racist, reddit, top, valet

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