He Found Out His Wife Cheated On Him While He Was Deployed, So When He Got Home He Decided To Stir Up Trouble Between Her And Her New Boyfriend
by Matthew Gilligan
Man, this guy’s life sounds pretty depressing, if I’m being completely honest.
But, at least he got to exact a small measure of petty revenge, so we hope that makes him for a little bit better about his situation!
Read his story below and see what you think.
I started a huge fight between my ex-wife and her boyfriend.
“I deployed in mid 2014, returned the first week of 2015, a super short easy deployment.
I came home to an empty home, actually, someone else was living there.
Check my email after finally getting cell signal turned back on, and see an email from Southwest with a plane ticket.
What was going on here…?
I catch a ride to the airport, and fly back to my hometown. I finally get home almost 13 hours later excited to see my daughter.
That night is when I found out my ex had been cheating on my for the 6 of the 7 months I was gone.
So I asked her, what do you want to do, do you want to work through this or stay here?
She couldn’t make up her mind which meant it’s gonna happen again and I left back for my duty station.
Revenge time!
So I looked into how to make those glitter cards and just dump glitter everywhere.
I sat down and started making them, about 50 or so.
And I printed out my ex wife’s address and had to do some digging to get her boyfriend’s address.
So I printed the addresses on stickers so it couldn’t be identified by hand writing.
And began mailing, 1 every day for the next 25 days to each, with each other being the return address.
When I would Skype my daughter I would be hearing my ex complain to her mom about the glitter. And how it’s really angered her that her “boyfriend” is doing this.
It may not be much but it’s that little screw you I got off my chest that helped.”
Reddit users shared their thoughts.
This person asked a question…
Another reader was impressed.
This Reddit user said something a lot of us were thinking…
This reader chimed in.
And another person had yet another glitter idea.
Listen all y’all, it’s a sabotage!
Glitter should always be involved.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · black text, cheating, family, glitter, military, petty revenge, reddit, relationships, revenge, spouse, top

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