Student Got in Trouble Because Of A Funny T-Shirt, So His Stepdad Decided To Wear It To The Parent/Teacher Conference
by Matthew Gilligan
Beavis and ButtheadĀ is back to entertain a whole new generation these days, and it’s funny to think that there was a time when those two morons were pretty controversial.
Are y’all ready to get transported back in time to the early 1990s?
Check out this story from Reddit: we think you’ll be entertained.
My stepdad wore the same shirt I got in trouble for during the parent teacher meeting.
“First off, let me preface by saying both my mother and stepdad were absolute scum.
But even the worst people in all of human history sometimes have their good moments and this was one of them.
People of a certain age will remember this shirt…
I was 14 and I was in middle school. I was so proud of my “Cornholio” shirt from Beavis and Butthead.
It was a mugshot of Beavis with his shirt up over his head and the caption read “I AM THE GREAT CORNHOLIO!!!”
I didn’t know what the hell a corn hole was.
I knew a Pie Hole was a mouth, and I could kinda figure out with the inclusion of the word “hole” that maybe it meant anus but I didn’t really know for sure, and apparently my mom and stepdad didn’t either.
Someone wasn’t happy about it.
But my teacher, a religious fundamentalist who couldn’t let an hour go by without shoehorning his religion into his lessons, pulled me out of class and took me to the principal’s office over the shirt after I started doing Beavis impressions in class with my shirt up.
I didn’t know what it was about until we were in the hallway and he said “I find that highly offensive.”
“This?” I asked
“Yes,” he said.
And just an FYI, this was the ’90s.
Even then humans thought there was nothing in the world more important than the fact they were offended by something stupid.
Anyway, they made me turn my shirt inside out for the rest of the day.
I told my mom and stepdad about it and they didn’t know what was up his *** either. Other than the fact that he was a religious lunatic.
This is pretty hilarious…
Anyway, a few weeks later it was time for parent teacher conferences and my mom remembered that stuff.
She said she wanted to ask what the hell his problem was with that shirt.
My stepdad decided to wear it during the meeting. The best part was that he was a cop.
I didn’t go to the meeting with them but I’d have given just about anything to see that psycho’s face.”
Here’s what folks had to say.
One reader chimed in.
Another individual shared a story.
This reader chimed in.
Another person dropped some knowledge.
And this reader spoke up.
Their stepdad came through in the clutch!
Even if it was the only good parenting moment he ever had.
If you liked this post, you might want to read this story about a teacher who taught the school’s administration a lesson after they made a sick kid take a final exam.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · beavis and butthead, clothes, cornholio, kids, offensive, parents, petty revenge, reddit, revenge, school, t-shirt, top, white text

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