September 23, 2024 at 11:47 pm

He Kept Getting Pushy Sales Calls For The Last 3 Years, So He Devised A Genius Plan To Make Them Stop

by Heide Lazaro

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge/Canva

Pushy salespeople on the phone can be annoying, especially if they insist you are the person they are looking for when you have told them multiple times that you’re not.

This man had enough of the sales calls for three years!

So when he learned about a crank caller in their office and got their number from a caller ID, he devised a genius plan that would hopefully stop both the sales and the crank calls.

Read the story below.

Crank caller vs Pushy Salesman

I am a field worker, and my company provides me a company phone.

I’ve had it for three years.

This phone’s number was provided by Verison Wireless.

This man receives 8 to 10 sales calls a day!

Apparently, the person who had it before me was named (I’ll make one up because I might be identified) Jeter Watts.

Now, Jeter gets sales calls 8-10 times a day.

No matter what I say, how I answer, or speak, the calls keep coming for Jeter.

He’d tell them it’s not Jeter, but they won’t believe him.

I’ve told them it’s a company phone, identified the company, and registered the number on the Do Not Call list.

Nothing works. I still get the calls.

The pushy sales guys never believe I’m not Jeter Watts.

It lasted for 3 years!

I should also mention that when I call someone, the caller ID shows the person I’m calling that Jeter Watts is calling.

Neither my company’s I.T. department or Verison can change the caller ID.

It’s a bit of a joke at the locations I service that Jeter Watts is here or Jeter Watts is calling when it’s just me.

Three years of all this.

Meanwhile, one of their offices is getting crank calls.

So, one of my locations got a crank call from one of their customers during my visit.

A guy calls and says sexually inappropriate stuff if females answer.

It happens several times a day.

He devised the perfect plan.

The location has the caller’s number because early on, the guy didn’t have caller ID blocking.

The guy called when I was on location and they had me answer.

The guy just hangs up when a male answers.

When I found out about all this and that they had the number, an instant plan came to mind.

He told the sales guys that Jeter’s new number is the crank caller’s number.

I’d take the number from the crank caller and give it to the pushy salesman, telling them that this is my, Jeter Watts’, new number.

I’ve been giving the pushy sales guys the crank caller’s number for two months now.

I tell them that is my new number.

I talk to them as Jeter, ask them to save my number, and call me back at the new number.

And the calls surprisingly decreased.

My pushy sales guys’ calls have reduced to 3-4 per week.

I give all of the pushy sales guys the crank callers number.

My day is a bit easier.

Haha! What a genius move. Let’s find out how other people reacted to this story.

People are loving it.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Why didn’t anybody think of this though?

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Here’s something similar from this user.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This says it all.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Only a genius would have thought of this mighty plan!

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.