September 8, 2024 at 2:19 pm

Her Boyfriend Plans To Propose, But Her New Business Venture Might Destroy Their Relationship

by Jayne Elliott

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Mikhail Nilov

Working with a significant other presents challenges, but there are different challenges when one person refuses to work with a significant other.

In today’s story, a woman wants to buy a business, and her boyfriend is mad that she doesn’t want him to be a co-owner with her.

She’s worried it might be the end of their relationship.

Let’s see how the story plays out…

AITA for refusing to give up half of my business

AITA for refusing to give up 50% company ownership to my boyfriend?

Background: my partner (33M) and I (27F) have been off and on for about two years and on very consistently since March of this year.

We have both had our differences but overall when we were separated it was because of timing issues rather than problems with our actual relationship.

She and her partner live together, and she pays most of the bills.

I am the primary breadwinner.

I’m not rich by any means but I have a respectable savings account and zero debt.

My partner is an entrepreneur by choice, he left corporate world and the stability that came with it to open his own business.

It was a huge step and I am very proud of him.

He has moved in with me and I pay the majority of our bills. We’ve spoken in depth about our relationship and he plans to propose next year.

She is thinking about buying a business.

I recently came across a business for sale and mentioned buying it to my partner.

He was immediately on board and even shared some visions he had for the space.

This is when my partner mentioned him being co owner of the space with me.

I gently told him that I would be the sole owner because it’s my investment. I can tell this bruised his ego and we’ve been fighting since.

Her partner is pushing to be co-owner.

He says that he will be providing the vision for the space which I understand and respect but I would be happy to hire him to do so.

He is committed to having some sort of ownership.

I’m not comfortable with this considering it is 100% of my investment!

She has shot down every compromise her partner has proposed.

He has proposed several different ideas, the first of which being he could take out a loan and pay me 50% of it.

I’m opposed to that because I don’t want to co-own anything with him before we are married.

The second would be to work two years unpaid for 50% of the company.

I’m uncomfortable with him doing unpaid labor because I believe it is wrong solely based off principal into there is no guarantee that the business will survive two years and then he will feel taken advantage of which is not what I want for him.

She thinks the business idea might ruin their relationship.

I feel like I’m losing my partner because I won’t give him half of the business.

I’ve mentioned to him that if we truly are getting married like he says we are It will be half his in less than a year anyways.

Recently it’s gotten so bad that I’m considering backing out of the deal completely for the sake of our relationship but I don’t want to resent him.

She wonders if her partner is just with her for her money.

I’m starting to question to his intentions.

I’m able to acknowledge my insecurities but the thought has definitely crossed my mind that he is being disingenuous for the sake of my financial status.

I do feel for him and his ego. I understand it’s hard feeling as though you can’t financially provide as a man but I love and support him regardless of financial status.

She wonders if she should cave and let her partner be an owner.

He says I am the a**h*** for being “financially controlling” and not including him in the deal.

I think I am just looking out for myself and making an independent financial decision.

AITA for refusing to give into his ownership request?

If her boyfriends is serious about proposing, it’s odd that he’s so concerned about being a co-owner.

As she pointed out, he would eventually own the company with her anyway.

Let’s see how Reddit responded…

This reader calls the boyfriend a “leech.”

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another reader thinks she is absolutely making the right decision.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This reader calls the boyfriend a “mooch.”

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another person doesn’t think the boyfriend sounds like he’s really an entrepreneur.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Here’s a vote for ending her relationship with her boyfriend.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Perhaps she should dump her boyfriend.

It sounds like she has a good head on her shoulders, so maybe she already has.

If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.