Her Dad Fell In Love With The Mother Of A Girl Who Was Bullying Her, But Now Her Dad Is The One Mad At Her For Not Playing Nice
by Jayne Elliott
It’s not always easy to adapt to a blended family, but it’s even worse when you start out as enemies.
In today’s story, one child was bullied by another child, and then the children’s parents got married.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
AITA for telling my father’s boss personal information?
I’m estranged from my father simply because he married the mother of the girl who was bullying me when we were 8 years old.
He was my only parent and hugely let me down and I will never forgive him for subjecting me to having to be family with someone who treated me badly like that.
Even though it did eventually get better, I will never ever claim her as my family and I made sure I cut all legal ties (had two family members adopt me when I turned 18).
My father never understood my anger at him or why I refused to at least try to make a family with them.
She ran into dad’s boss.
He is close with his boss, and I was in town visiting some family and he saw me.
He recognized me from a few years ago and mentioned how he hoped I would be able to attend the next family day at their job.
I said that would not be possible as I am no contact with my father now.
He was stunned.
She made it clear that the stepmom’s daughter is not like a “sister.”
He asked what happened and mentioned “my sister” and I told him she was not my sister and that she was actually my bully before dad married her mom and that he married this woman knowing her child was bullying me.
I told him that made our relationship unsustainable.
He apologized and said he had no idea.
The conversation got back to her dad.
Apparently he later confronted my father outside of work and was like how could you never say anything and what kind of father are you.
Word is now spreading around people my father knows and works with.
She is wondering if it was wrong to tell the boss details about the family.
He tore into my family members who adopted me (who are his family members).
Then he emailed my very old email account saying I had no right to spill such personal business to his boss and it was petty and childish and shows I have no decorum.
Airing family secrets isn’t cool, but at the same time, all she did was answer the question.
Let’s see how Reddit responded…
This reader doesn’t think she did anything wrong.
Here’s another vote for her not doing anything wrong.
This person thinks everyone in the story messed up.
Another reader encourages her to find a therapist.
This person doesn’t think she did anything wrong either.
Maybe the dad should go to therapy to delve into why his boss learning the truth bothers him so much.
It certainly couldn’t hurt.

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