Her Manager Kept Taking The Staff’s Sweet Smelling Candies, So She Replaced Them With Sour Ones To Teach Him A Lesson
by Heide Lazaro
Some bosses think they can take advantage of their staff and nobody would mind, but most people realize that people’s sweets are off limits.
In this story, this woman’s mom has had enough of her manager taking the staff’s boiled sweets, so she decided to replace these sweets with bitter and sour candies instead.
Read on to find out what happened.
Bitter sweet revenge
This is more of my mom’s petty revenge. She used to work in ToysRUs in the UK and worked the tills.
Her manager used to come and steal any boiled sweets that staff had on their tills (which helped keep the mouths from drying out).
The woman couldn’t take it anymore.
One day, she decided she had enough of him coming and stealing the sweets.
So she decided to get the most bitter and sour sweets she could have which she kept on display, whilst having her usual sweets hidden.
He decides to come from the tower (the office was a raised platform next to the tills and entrance/exit where it was easy to look over the whole shop floor).
He spots the bag of sweets, and she said to him just to take them.
Her boss threw the bag of bitter candies from the tower.
He takes the bag, not knowing what they were.
Within 30 seconds of him getting back into the tower, she said that she heard him shout what the hell were they.
Whilst the bag comes flying over the wall of the tower onto the shop floor.
From then on, he never took any staff’s sweets again.
All the staff that knew suddenly started laughing, whilst he has a face of thunder mixed with embarrassment.
He never stole any sweets ever again,
And for anyone wondering, they were made from gooseberries.
That was funny.
Let’s find out what other people have to say.
This user summarized it pretty well.
People are curious about these gooseberry candies.
Here’s a similar idea.
Nobody likes this attitude.
Just because you’re the boss doesn’t mean you can steal your staff’s sweet treats.
You’d think he would have already known that, right?
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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