September 6, 2024 at 1:39 pm

Her Younger Brother Didn’t Share His Snacks, So She Got Him A Huge Pack Of Dried Apricots She Knew Would Make Him Sick

by Sarrah Murtaza

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Pexels/ Craig Adderley

Do you have siblings who would do anything but share their snack?

This girl does! She planned her revenge this time!

Find out what happened.

You plan on eating the entire family sized bag of chips to yourself and don’t want to share? I’ll be the shining example and get you a special snack next time

This was about ten years ago. Gardetto’s of all things reminded me of sharing snacks with my brothers on movie night.

I hated sharing out of one bowl because my brothers would eat all the tasty bits and leave nothing but plain breadsticks, even if it was a communal snack.

It was literally competitive eating and I learned quickly to get my own bowl if I wanted pretzels or rye slices.

This eventually led to everybody just picking their own single serve snack and calling it good.

The little brother is a true FOODIE!

My littlest brother is a big guy, taller than anybody else in the family. And he liked his food.

My belt loops say I don’t have any room to talk myself, so I’m not putting him down in anyway; this was just the fact at the time.

After venturing into adulthood, I was back home for an extended visit.

Both my brothers were still living at home and by this time, movie night was a bygone memory. Buying snacks for the weekend was still a thing though.

Not sure if it was early in my visit or if I had just missed the snack boat, but I ended up without one weekend.

He wanted to have his own snacks!

My youngest brother came home with a family sized bag of corn chips and a jar each of cheese and salsa.

What a guy! He’s so sweet! He’s… taking it all into his room.

Not a huge deal, just not how I remember things operating.

I don’t need snacks, but after listening to the bag crinkle from the living room for so long, I caved and asked if he’d share a bowl.

He wasn’t planning on sharing at all!

Flatly denied. “Not enough to share.” He wasn’t mean about it exactly, he was apologetic in his “no” and I respected it.

Pulled a face maybe but I’m not starving, I just wanted something tasty.

And he had paid for the food with his own money, not the family’s and was within established house-boundaries.

The thing my brothers might not have even noticed about themselves at the time was that they would eat what was opened until it was gone.

It didn’t matter to them the amount of servings in the package, it would all be eaten.

She knows what it is like!

The after effects of growing up with tons of siblings (we have more but they aren’t a part of this story). If you didn’t get in and get it when there was some, you probably wouldn’t get any.

So I decided to kill my brothers with kindness and instead of sticking to buying just myself a snack, I gave each of them a one pound bag of dried apricots.

I bought myself beer and went to a friend’s for the weekend.

My brothers never said anything to me, why would they

But my dad and I were talking later that week and he wondered if there was a flu going around because my brothers had spent the weekend fighting over the upstairs toilet.

Her father was all in for the prank!

I laughed so hard and had to tell him what I did.

He had been big into pranks in his youth and appreciated the humor of it. He was my muse in this situation, honestly.

He laughed a bit about it but did give me a stern look that said I wouldn’t be pulling a similar stunt with him, should I be inclined to try.

I only just remembered this while talking with my mom, who was completely clueless about the interaction.

She wants him to know she’s sorry.

I wonder if my little brother will find this post and I can finally live guilt-free.

That’s a classic sibling story!

Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this story.

This person knows apricots are a genius idea!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This person thinks this girl was just being petty for being told no.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This person feels the pain the brothers might have gone through.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This person hides their food from the siblings!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This person is a gummy bear fan!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge


Everyone knows those stomach cramps must be bad!

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.