His Brother Was A Bully When They Were Teenagers, So He Used His Smartphone To Get Revenge
by Jayne Elliott
Siblings don’t always get along, and sometimes parents don’t know – or don’t want to know – the actual score.
In today’s story, an older brother gets away with bullying his younger brother, so the younger brother finds a way to use his smartphone to get revenge.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
Used to turn off my brother’s TV mid-game
My eldest brother is about 5 years older than me, so when I was 14, he was 19.
When I was a kid, he was generally a bully & not afraid to throw his weight around.
He was also sneaky enough to get it past my parents & as the eldest, he was always believed over me.
As such, I couldn’t really fight back – except in one small way.
His smartphone helped him get revenge on his brother.
When I was about 14, I got my first smartphone – a Samsung galaxy S4 mini, which had an Infra-Red blaster & therefore could be used to turn the TV off & on like a regular remote.
My brother loved playing his Xbox & PlayStation on the TV in the shared bedroom & would get very into it.
Sometimes however, I’d sneakily use my phone to turn the TV off mid-game, & he’d jump up in a rage, trying to fiddle with the cables & TV remote & figure out what the issue was while swearing & raging.
His brother still doesn’t know he was responsible.
I would do this subtly so he wouldn’t notice, e.g from my bed behind him and would be sure to do it often enough to him to annoy him but not enough for him to suspect me.
He never did figure it out & I still fondly remember this little bit of petty revenge.
That was great subtle revenge, and it’s funny that his brother still doesn’t know about it.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
This reader used the circuit breaker to get revenge.
This reader also had an S5.
This reader’s husband created chaos at a cinema with an S5.
This channel changing feature was a bad idea.
He was clever to get away with his revenge!
I bet his brother might laugh about it now.
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · brother, bully, petty revenge, picture, reddit, smartphone, top, tv

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