September 21, 2024 at 11:49 pm

Lazy Neighbors Refuse To Shovel Their Share Of The Driveaway, So These Renters Cover Their Cars With Mountains Of Snow To Get Their Attention

by Benjamin Cottrell

Source: Canva/oksanashufrych, Reddit/Petty Revenge

Living in close proximity to your neighbors requires a delicate balance of cooperation and consideration, but these lazy neighbors didn’t seem to get the memo.

In this story, many blizzards came and went without these neighbors contributing to the shoveling of their shared driveway.

Fed up, this group of renters found a clever way to get them to pick up the shovel.

Read on for the full story!

Never Shovel The Shared Driveway? Have Fun Digging Out Your Cars!

A few year ago, I rented a home with some friends.

Two homes shared the same driveway, both homes owned by the same landlord.

The driveway had a common entrance, then forked left for my home, right for the other home to the respective parking areas.

This shared driveway becomes the source of many frustrations for the renters.

It was a snowy region. Yet after each snowstorm, we failed to ever see a hint of the neighbors.

Two people lived in that home. They used their cars, but only after the driveway was cleared by us.

We had to clear it to get our own cars out, so we couldn’t let the snow sit while we waited for them to act. I think our neighbors thought us quite reliable.

They tried many times to get the neighbors to help out.

We knocked on the door when we knew they were home to ask for a hand, the door was never answered.

And left a few notes in the mailbox. If they had some invisible disability, to let us know and we’d not ask for help shoveling again.

We were ignored. Didn’t complain to the landlord with something so trivial.

They continued to bite their tongue as more snow came.

Many snowstorms came and went, without a single shovelful moved by our lazy neighbors.

They probably were even fined for not removing snow from the sidewalk in from of their house, while we kept ours clear and salted.

They tried one last time to get their neighbor’s attention.

A blizzard rolled in. It took my housemates and I a monumental amount of time to clear the snow, it was deep, the heavy wet snow.

Again, we sought assistance from the neighbors, but were ignored.

Thus, we went to work with our petty revenge plan.

They break down their devious plot.

All the snow in the driveway wasn’t merely moved out of the way. It was purposefully brought over to our neighbor’s parking area.

I’m unsure of how much snow we moved. We certainly made more work for ourselves bringing it to the cars. But it was a significant amount of snow in the end.

Their vehicles disappeared under the enormous mound. It was beautiful!

If only freezing rain had added a nice, iced crust to make it even more radiant and difficult to remove.

The neighbors immediately took notice.

Needless to say, neighbors were ticked.

We kindly answered their angry knocks. Listened to the ranting and seething.

We merely shrugged our shoulders and said we’d have appreciate help several snowstorms ago, which would have prevented such an act.

They left, complained to their landlord (who seemed somewhat impressed we put up with it for so long and merely reminded them snow removal was a tenant responsibility).

Surprisingly, their revenge plan was good enough to get their neighbors to reform their old lazy ways.

Each snowstorm after that, when our shovels began to scrape the pavement, the neighbor’s silently, grudgingly came out to help.

We didn’t make them do it alone, but having more bodies to move snow made it a much faster, easier job for all.

We earned a small, petty victory for the rest of the long, snowy winter!

Maybe now winters won’t be so tedious!

What did Reddit think of the renter’s victorious revenge?

The best type of revenge is one that’s actually productive!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Some people actually compete over who can shovel better.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This commenter has jokes.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

It’s encouraging to hear a revenge tale that actually has a positive outcome!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Suddenly their neighbors understand the value of teamwork.

This story gives another meaning to “cold-blooded revenge.”

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