Money Center Management Makes Employee Cover A Job Without Training, So He’s Clueless On How To Handle The Cash. The Result Is An Explosion Of Bills That Caused Maximum Chaos.
by Trisha Leigh
You can get in a groove at work, especially if your job is repetitive. So sometimes it can be nice to do something different once in a while.
Of course, that assumes you know how to do that something different.
When this young man was asked to do a new task with minimal instructions, he decided to go with the flow.
Check out the details to find out how his boss came to regret it.
Malicious compliances temporarily loses £65,000
I used to work at a cash centre. All the security trucks would collect cash from businesses during the day.
We would open the packages credit their accounts and the cash would be bundled and shipped back out to banks and cash machines.
I worked the night shift and it became an unwritten rule that when you finished your work you could go.
He tried to ask for clarifications but was shut down.
Well one evening we had a new manager singled me out to stay and help the team who loaded the money for cash machines.
Now this was a job I had never done before.
I tried to ask a few questions like how much do we put in each bundle how much should, we have in each box only to be met with an aggressive “just out the cash in the box. It’s not rocket science”.
So, he just did what he’d been told.
Ok you’re the boss.
So I put the cash in the box when the box was full I pushed the cash down and fit even more in.
I kept going until I physically could put another note in and used all my weight to close the cash box.
Misplacing a huge amount of cash really seemed to wake them up.
Well it turns out they were only supposed to contain £100k and the s*** hit the fan when they did the last checks and they thought they were £65k short.
They ordered a full recount of all the boxes.
When the one I had packed was opened it practically exploded, there was cash everywhere, one of the girls who worked the section was stunned you could actually fit that much in one of the boxes.
I would like say I had the told you so moment of being confronted but the manager said nothing and once the boxes were re packed I went home.
I never got asked to cover that section again though.
This is as clean and simple as they come!
I bet Reddit is cheering from their keyboards.
He could market it!
They really shouldn’t have been surprised.
That’s never stopped a manager before.
Immortal words.
I don’t understand how people like this get into management.
It wouldn’t have hurt to just nicely explain.
If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · following directions, malicious compliance, manager, money, picture, reddit, top, work

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