September 30, 2024 at 8:24 pm

Rude Neighbors Throw Parties Every Single Night, But The Police Don’t Solve The Problem Until A Cop Moves Next Door

by Mila Cardozo

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge/Unsplash/MichaelFörtsch

Loud neighbors are some of the most difficult and frustrating things to deal with. And the worst part is when not even the police seems to be on peace and quiet’s side.

But in this case, someone found an opportunity to make their loud neighbors learn a lesson, and they took it.

Let’s see what happened.

Party every night for a year? Ok…

I bought a house 4 years ago in a quiet neighborhood. I had wanted to get into that neighborhood for years. My best friend lives there. It was a couple blocks from my kids school.

It was a good neighborhood.

Then covid hit.

My neighbors across the street were forced to move at the beginning of the pandemic before the eviction moratorium was in place.

They were really good neighbors. We were friendly with each other and we were sad to see them go.

So when the property owner rented to a new family we were hoping we could cultivate a friendly relationship.

Unfortunately that was not the case.

This sounds like a villain origin story already.

About a month after they moved in, the lock down started.

And that’s when things went from 0-100 real quick.

For the next year every night there was a huge party.

Cars down the street music so loud you could hear it over regular house noise in every room in my house.

My friend in the next cul-de-sac would text me regularly if the music he was hearing was my neighbors.

We tried to be civil. I asked politely. I brought them beer.

Eventually they threatened me an my wife so we started calling the police.

Almost every night for 4 months.

We organized with the neighbors. And they started calling the police as well.

The nerve to call the police when they’re the ones being uncivil! Wow.

Eventually the others gave up and started selling their houses because the renters were just that bad.

We were still upside down on our place so it wasn’t an option for us.

Eventually the police told me that I needed to stop calling and that it wasn’t their issue to deal with.

That I was a bigger nuisance than the renters music.

Well, he tried…

It was at that time the housing market was taking off.

Houses were selling in my area for 40-50k over appraisal value.

My wife and I looked at what we needed to make so we could move and listed our home for that.

In three days we had a handful of offers to choose from.

But it was the lowest offer that stood out to us the most.

Their offer was a good 20k under the next lowest but they sent a letter. I’m a sucker for a letter especially one with a picture of a young pregnant couple and a dog… and a patrol car?


Turns out the young man is a police officer newly appointed at the local Police Department. And he takes his patrol car home.

I knew at that point that this was the family to sell my house to, money be damned.

I moved out as the neighbors were throwing a huge party.

The next day the police moved in and they haven’t had another since.

I drive by regularly on my way to my buddy’s place. They just sit quietly in their garage looking bored.

I make sure I honk and wave every time.

Gotta make that money count!

Let’s see what Reddit thinks of this turn of events.

This reader shares their opinion.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

A commenter shares a revenge of their own for their annoying neighbors.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

A reader compliments how things were handled.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

Another reader chimes in.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

Sad but possibly true.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

Another reader shares their thoughts.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

Justice was served and served well.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.