She Wanted To Leave Her Job For A Better One, So Her Boss Fired Her And Took Her To Court. He Eventually Lost The Lawsuit And Had To Pay Dearly.
by Ashley Ashbee
Getting a better job is a wonderful feeling, but the transition often isn’t seamless – especially if your current boss really, really doesn’t want to let you go.
The new job in this story was downright messy.
Check out how this former employee cleaned it up.
AITA For suing my boss for damages after getting out of my contract
I had to sign a non-compete agreement upon getting hired at my previous job.
My lawyer said there was enough difference between the two businesses and no similar clients that he thought I would be ok.
Unfortunately, her boss didn’t see it that way.
I told my boss I had been offered a job and asked him if he would sign a release from my non-compete so that I could take this new job without fear of any reprisal.
He refused and fired me the next day.
My lawyer and I put together a case, giving my boss the opportunity to sign a release and get it over with or fight us in court.
He opted for court. I didn’t know he could be that petty and vindictive.
We ended up winning and I signed the original offer for this new job.
My lawyer asked me if I wanted to try and sue my old boss for damages: lost wages, unused benefits (saved PTO days), court and legal fees, wrongful termination, etc.
So she stood up for herself.
Initially I didn’t want to since I had won and I got what I wanted. But the more I thought about it, I decided to go ahead and sue him for damages.
So I had my lawyer draw up a suit and went ahead with it.
My boss was livid. He called me and went on a huge rant about how I am ungrateful and that I would be nowhere without him.
I won the suit.
Here’s what folks are saying.
It’s not your responsibility to soothe his fragile ego.
Excellent point. I think some people hope that being candid will prevent drama.
As the kids would say today, he ****** around and found out.
How perceptive. Why be loyal to someone in the later camp?
So am I. It makes no sense.
Stick up for yourself!
It will all work out in the end.
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.

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