September 3, 2024 at 9:49 am

Sibling Mistakenly Exposes Her Sister’s Wild Past At Her Wedding Rehearsal, And She’s Getting Blamed Her For Ruining Her Big Day And Honeymoon

by Diana Whelan

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/ Enes Cihanger

When sharing family stories at a wedding rehearsal takes an unexpected turn, the fallout can be bigger than anticipated.

This younger sister didn’t mean to stir the pot, but her casual comments about her siblings’ pasts sparked drama that spilled over into her sister’s honeymoon.

Read on for the story.

AITA for ruining my sister’s wedding and honeymoon?

So I (20F) have an older sister (30F), who I’ll call Emily.

Emily got married 2 months ago to her partner Danny (34M).

My siblings and I grew up together and Emily was a huge influence, along with my other older sister Mary (27F).

They were both wild and so, from a young age, I knew a lot more than I was supposed to (about partying, dating etc. nothing weird or scandalous really).

Perks to being the youngin’.

Mary got married 4 years ago and I’m really close to my brother in law.

He knows about her partying, drinking and pretty much everything else she did and he never had a problem with any of it.

But apparently the other sister didn’t fill in her soon-to-be hubby…

Well, I’ve met Danny only a handful of times since they live far away and so I assumed they talked about it all.

Come wedding rehearsal (the day before), we started sharing interesting stories from our childhood.

Danny asked me how come I’ve never dated, drank or partied.

I, not even thinking it might be a big deal, said that after hearing all the stories from my older sisters, never really wanted to or felt the need to.

Uh. Oh.

Danny looked a bit confused but said nothing.

Mary just glared at me. Later, Mary told me Danny knew nothing of Emily’s “wild days.”

I apologized to Emily and she told me it wasn’t a big deal.

I hadn’t thought about it in two months, but Emily and Danny visited us yesterday.

Danny was as nice as ever, while Emily was a bit standoffish.

While Danny was out with our dad, Mary and Emily ganged up on me and told me Danny was mad at Emily for lying and that I ruined their wedding and honeymoon.

Okay, that’s a bit dramatic.

My mom heard us talking, came into the room and chewed out my sisters for blaming me for Emily’s lies.

After they went to my sister’s place (they were gonna stay with her for a couple of days prior to this incident), I started feeling anxious and bad about what happened and the part I played in it.

My mom told my dad and brother what happened and they both said I did nothing wrong and my dad said he would make my sisters apologize, but I don’t want them to get involved.

So, AITA for ruining my sister’s wedding and honeymoon?

Geez. Did her innocent slip really warrant such a massive blow-up?

Reddit says absolutely not.

This person says it’s definitely the bride’s fault for not bringing it up sooner.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person agrees.

Source: Reddit/AITA

And this person is really just so appalled at it all.

Source: Reddit/AITA

When your family’s dirty laundry airs out at a wedding, it’s easy to see who really gets soaked.

Is it really a wedding if there isn’t any drama?

If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.