Someone Ignored His “No Soliciting” Sign While He Was Working At Home, So He Called the Cops And Won The Day
by Matthew Gilligan
This story reminded me of something very important: I need to get a No Soliciting sign for my front door ASAP.
In the last few weeks, I’ve been bombarded by pest control people, political canvassers, and other assorted weirdos.
But enough about me!
Take a look at this story from Reddit and see how this person handled this situation.
Ignore my No Soliciting sign? Say hi to the police!
“I work from home and right now I am in the middle of a project that requires a lot of attention.
My front door has a prominent No Soliciting sign and my town requires you to have a permit to sell door to door.
Get lost!
Today someone from a local pest control company came by, knocked, and interrupted my day. I asked them for their permit and pointed at my sign.
They told me that they were just checking, but moved on.
Normally I let it go, but the interruption messed with my day when we have a major project causing me to be busier so I couldn’t stop there.
They were pretty fired up!
I decided to take lunch and called the non-emergency number for our town and provided all the details.
I had name, company name, clear description and knew exactly where he was.
About 15 min later as he is bothering one of my older neighbors the police drive up! He was clearly upset and was arguing with the officer as he wrote him a ticket!
I know it is something small the first time, like a $200 fine, but it felt good to inconvenience him the way he inconvenienced me.”
Let’s see what folks had to say on Reddit.
This reader shared a story.
Another individual chimed in.
This person shared their thoughts.
Another Reddit user spoke up.
And this reader had a lot to say.
We’re going to have to start putting “No Soliciting” banners in our yards…
Every last one of us.
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · homes, no soliciting, petty revenge, picture, police, reddit, revenge, top, WFH

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