Frat Boy Neighbors Kept Blocking Their Car, So They Decided To Return The Favor And Never Had An Issue Again
by Matthew Gilligan
I’m not here to say that all frat boys are bad people, but I will say that certain stereotypes exist for a reason and those fellas live up to it sometimes…
So it can be satisfying when frat boys get what’s coming to them from time to time!
Take a look at this person’s story…we think you’ll be entertained…
Putting the frat boys in their place.
“When I lived in college I rented a tiny house behind a larger house.
They had a large parking area that could fit 3-4 cars next to the driveway. The only way for me to drive back to my house was a shared driveway.
The front house was occupied by some frat brothers who loved to have people over.
Which was fine, except instead of asking people to park on the street(or down the street, depending on party size), they would park in the driveway, blocking my access.
That’s not cool…
Sometimes I’d just park in the street and walk back to my house, which just stoked my irritation.
But most annoying was when I would wake up to being blocked in.
I’d have to bang on their door for several minutes to get someone to answer and move the offending vehicle, typically making me late to class.
One night I get home late, around 1 am, and there are THREE cars in the driveway. And I have had enough.
There was JUST enough room for me to squeeze into the driveway, inches from the back bumper of the last truck.
It was a tight squeeze.
This meant I was blocking in those three cars, as well as all but one in the parking area. And the one that wasn’t blocked would have to do some serious maneuvering to get out.
I took the long walk back to my house, planning what snide and ugly thing I might say the next day.
Picturing the next day when they’d be forced to schlep back to my house and ask me to unblock them. I intended to take my sweet time answering the door.
They probably had a lot of fun with that!
I woke up the next day about 1 pm and no one had come!
They had maneuvered all those cars around, no telling how long it took, leaving only my car in the driveway, rather than come get me.
That was even more satisfying to me than if they’d come to get me.
For the next six months I lived there, they never once blocked me in again.”
Check out what people had to say on Reddit.
This person weighed in.
Another Reddit user spoke up.
This Reddit user shared what they’d do…
This individual chimed in.
Take that, frat boys!
At least they had enough shame not to wake him.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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