September 12, 2024 at 4:47 pm

Their Mom Told Them They Could Only Drink 1/4 Cup Of Egg Nog, So They Kept Refilling The Same Cup Over And Over

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/Pexels

You either love egg nog or you despise it…there is no middle ground.

And the person who wrote this story definitely falls into Category #1.

And they had a story to tell about their love of egg nog on Reddit!

Let’s see what happened…

1/4 cup of egg nog? You got it.

“We were at one of my mom’s friend’s house and they had egg nog.

Oh dear lord did I love egg nog. Still do. I get all giddy and celebrate every year when it hits the shelves.

Mother, may I?

So I asked for some. Mom says, “only 1/4 cup”. Literally measured it out and everything.

I happily drank my 1/4 cup, but I wanted more. So I went back into the kitchen, poured another 1/4 cup, drank that, poured another 1/4 cup, and was just about to enjoy when they finally saw what I was doing.

Keep ’em coming!

“I told you only a 1/4 cup!”

Smug pre-teen me, “yeah but you didn’t say how MANY 1/4 cups I could have” as I sipped on my final 1/4 cup.”

And here’s what people said about this story on Reddit.

This person chimed in.

Source: Reddit

Another reader shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit

This Reddit user spoke up.

Source: Reddit

Another individual shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit

I hope that kid didn’t get sick.

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