Upstairs Neighbor Snores So Loud It Keeps Her Awake, So She Uses A Massager To Wake The Neighbor Up Long Enough For Her To Fall Asleep
by Heather Hall
Living in an apartment building comes with its own share of challenges, especially when it comes to noisy neighbors.
What would you do if your upstairs neighbor’s snoring was so loud it kept you up at night, even with white noise and earplugs?
This tenant decided to get some creative revenge.
Read on for the details!
I can hear my upstairs neighbor snore through the floor as if he was laying in bed next to me.
I live on the second floor of a three-floor apartment building. The apartments above and below me are both laid out exactly the same as mine.
Currently, the downstairs apartment is vacant, and the landlord is planning on renovating it slowly over the next few months to have it ready for summer.
The upstairs neighbor moved in about 3 months ago after the previous couple moved out.
I never once heard any excessive noise from the previous tenants.
I’ve lived here for almost three years, but the tenants above and below me over this time have all stayed for a 1-year lease only and then moved on.
Turns out, the new neighbor is a very heavy sleeper.
I tend to stay up until about 11:30/12 most nights before I go to bed, and I always sleep with a fan on in my room for white noise.
For the last three months, when I get in bed and turn on my fan, I can still hear the new neighbor snoring.
It’s so loud I’m surprised the light fixture on my ceiling doesn’t vibrate.
When I roll over and try to fall asleep, the noise is so loud that I could compare it to sleeping with someone with untreated sleep apnea on a mattress on the floor next to you.
I spent the first month distressed and exhausted at the lack of sleep.
Halfway through the second month, I started being passive-aggressive and taping brochures for sleep apnea clinics in their mailbox.
I got myself a pair of earplugs, AND I CAN STILL HEAR HIM SNORE OVER THE FAN AND WITH the earplugs!!
Struggling with lack of sleep, they try to find a solution.
At this point, I’m struggling to keep it together as I’m a light sleeper, but what can I do? He’s in a whole other apartment.
I consider moving my bed to the main part of my apartment, but I really don’t want to sleep in the same room I cook and my cat poops.
Then, one night, when I can’t fall asleep, I decide to try the good old reliable method of tiring myself enough to pass out and grab my magic wand and plug it in.
That’s when inspiration hit me.
I turned that magic massage wand on high speed and laid it between my solid bed frame and the wall so it made an insanely loud rumbling noise that was absolutely unavoidable to hear upstairs.
Finally, there’s a breakthrough.
After a few minutes, I heard the neighbor get out of bed and stomp around, wondering what the sound could be.
I left it the way it was for about 15 minutes, and when I turned it off, I couldn’t hear anything upstairs.
I fell asleep peacefully and easily for the first time since he moved in.
For the last few weeks, every night, when I start to get ready for bed, I do this.
I use the noise to wake the neighbor for 15 minutes while I prepare for bed and then turn it off and fall asleep within minutes without hearing the snoring!
If I ever encounter him in person and he asks if I know what the noise is, I intend to tell him it’s the old hot water system in the building.
Wow! What a creative way to stop the noise!
Let’s check out what the folks over at Reddit had to say about this situation.
According to this person, they should’ve been more direct.
This person thinks they should get used to sleeping with noise.
Here’s someone in the same situation, so they get it.
Good advice, but it’s not for everyone.
Though it works now, this may be a temporary solution.
They may want to discuss the issue with the neighbor so he can get help from a doctor if needed.
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · apartment living, earplugs, loud, neighbor, noise, petty revenge, picture, reddit, sleep apnea, snoring, top, vibration

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