Work From Home Employee Had To Put Up With An Enraged Client, But The Employee Found A Way To Get Revenge Without Risking Job Security
by Jayne Elliott
Customer service takes a special type of person.
In today’s story, one employee has to listen to a client who is very mean, but the employee doesn’t let the story end that way.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
Old work @ home pettiness
Around 2009, 2010 I worked for a warranty adjudication company processing claims from home.
I was processing a radio shack claim for broken headphones and the client was mad that she would only receive a cash value payout of $15.
OP stayed calm through the client’s rage.
She tore into me.
She cussed me out, started getting personal, etc.
I remained passive aggressive/polite and she hung up eventually.
The employee called the client back on a pay phone.
After the call, I wrote down her cell phone number and put myself on a 15m break.
As soon as I went on break, I hurried down to the corner store pay phone, called her back, and went on the most petty tirade, giving her everything she dished out and more.
She couldn’t get a word in and I ended the call with a solid “B****” then returned home victorious.
I was in my early twenties at the time and I’ve since learned to control myself lol.
It was smart to stay calm on the work call.
Let’s see how Reddit responded to this story…
This reader isn’t surprised the client had a problem with the headphones.
Another reader wonders if the client knew who called her.
Another person had a similar question…
This person approves of the pettiness.
OP’s story made another reader laugh.
Whether or not the client knew who called her, I bet the employee felt so much better after that call!
If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · client, headphones, pay phone, petty revenge, picture, radio shack, reddit, top, warranty

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