October 19, 2024 at 12:24 am

A Reckless Driver Got Into An Accident After Making Fun Of Cautious Friends In The Group Chat, So His Friend Really Let Him Have It

by Heide Lazaro

Source: Reddit/AITA/Canva

Being a cautious and lawful driver is not wrong.

What’s wrong is breaking road rules and being proud about it.

This man shares how he’s being ganged up in their group chat for driving like a “grandma.”

When one of his friends got into a car accident, he basically told them why it pays to be a careful driver.

Read the full story below.

AITA for pretty much telling my friend “I told you so,” after he got in a car crash?

I (19M) am the only one with a car, so I was the one driving everyone around.

I had a set of rules that everyone had issues with, such as: seatbelts (at the back too);

No eating/drinking (except water);

No distracting me (they would often try shoving their phones to me);

And no blocking my blind spot by sitting weirdly (I don’t care if my car has blind spot monitoring; I prefer to check manually).

This man shares how his friends make fun of him by being a good driver.

Everyone constantly grilled me for my rules, and made fun of me for following the law.

Yes, I admit I miss my exit a quarter of the time, but I won’t cut off other drivers or reverse just to save few minutes (an actual suggestion from them).

One of my friends even said, “If I had a car, I wouldn’t drive like a grandma like you. You suck at driving.”

His friend into a car accident.

Suffice to say, I was relieved when one of my friends finally got a car and could be the group driver.

At first, everyone roasted me in group chats and in real life, raving about how much more fun it was now that I wasn’t driving.

Five months after getting his license and car, my friend told everyone in the group chat that he’d been in a car crash and his car was totaled.

This was what happened…

He shared the dashcam footage and genuinely thought he wasn’t at fault, calling the other driver a “dumb typical female driver.”

The footage showed him going 75 km/h in a 50 km/h zone on a blind curve.

The other driver was turning right, and he hit her at full speed.

Instead of braking, he honked.

For some reason, neither he nor the other driver got a ticket.

He told his friend that it was probably his fault.

I told him in the group chat that he was probably at fault.

Considering he was going 50% over the speed limit, on a blind curve, and just 100 meters from a 40 km/h school zone.

Even if he had the right of way, insurance would deem him at fault due to his speed and slow reaction time.

His friend insisted that it was the lady driver’s fault.

I told him not to send the footage to his insurance company.

Of course, everyone in the chat called me dumb.

One of them said, “Bro, I live near that neighbourhood. My brother goes 80 on that street…

Everyone does. That lady was the idiot.”

Since the cop didn’t ticket him and the group chat supported him, he sent the footage to his insurance company.

Insurance declared that it was completely his fault.

He was so confident that he started asking for suggestions on what new car to get once he received a “fat paycheck.”

Everyone got hyped and started browsing Auto Trader.

A week later, he got the verdict from his provider: he was deemed 100% at fault.

He also had the cheapest insurance plan, so his insurance company paid nothing to him and only covered the other driver.

Even if they had paid him something, he wouldn’t be able to afford insurance with his record as a young male.

He indirectly said “I told you so” in the group chat.

In the group chat, I responded with, “LMAO, now you know why I drive like a ‘grandma’. Enjoy taking the bus.”

Everyone in the chat reacted with “dang” and the startled face emoji.

He replied, “Rules are meant to be broken. I’m not a stickler like you. Everyone gets into a car crash.”

Let’s find out what other people have to say about this story.

This user says he deserved it.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This one makes their advice very clear.

Source: Reddit/AITA

While this user affirms that it’s not his fault.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This one shares their personal thoughts.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Finally, this user suggests to never drive them again.

Source: Reddit/AITA

You warned him.

He didn’t listen.

He deserved it.

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