Annoying Girl Kept Trying To Steal Her Boyfriend And Trick Him Into An Awkward Arrangement, So She Got Her Deported For Illegal Activities
by Sarrah Murtaza
Girlfriends really know when something is fishy!
If you have a feeling about another woman or how your boyfriend is acting, chances are that you’re right to be suspicious.
This girlfriend found out another woman was pursuing her boyfriend, so she reported her to the authorities for illegal behavior.
Check out the full story!
She tried to steal my bf, so I reported her
A girl hit my bfs car in a mall car park and said she would pay the damage since she had no insurance.
So he helped organize a mechanic for his car and she agreed to pay for the damage.
The girl started acting shady…
She told him she needed to meet him to get additional details about the mechanic and cost, so they met.
He told me she was so nice and just going through a rough time with her long time bf.
Then a few days after he told me that she was texting him for the cars progress and asked to meet again (he is a massive people pleaser and can’t say no).
She was getting too personal!
During that meeting she asked him about our relationship and then proceeded to tell him that she offered adult services and if he needs to feel heard and comforted, he could see her.
He told me all of this!
He was confused at why she needed to see him so many times and why she told him that.
Then she texted him another time and asked him if he was happy with me, she said she wants him to book in a time with her.
He knew the girl was problematic!
He didn’t reply and felt really weird about her pursuing him.
During this time, the car was almost fixed and he didn’t want to blow her off as she hadn’t paid yet.
She texted and asked him to see her again and said I don’t want to have an excuse to not pay for your damages.
This was the last time they were meeting…
Since he didn’t report it with his own insurance, he was at her mercy to pay.
So he said he can see her when he has the money.
Cue pettiness, I couldn’t believe the audacity of this person.
First off to hit my bfs car and then to blackmail him into making a booking with her as a “paid” date.
She knew what she was doing!
I took the phone number he was texting her at, her stage name and did some real FBI style digging.
I got her license plate number from the picture of the incident on bfs phone, used some friends of mine to get her real name and address.
She had told him that she was on a working holiday visa and I know that “paid” dating is illegal in almost every country on that permit.
She made sure to get her revenge!
So after she paid the for the car repairs, I called immigration. Gave them all her information since I had everything.
I told them what she was doing and gave them the name of the escort service she worked for.
We never heard from her again or saw her on the escort website.
We will never know if she got deported or not, but I hope she was.
Basically, don’t make me mad because I’m crafty lol
GEEZ! That was some drama!
This girl really knew how to get rid of a girl chasing her boyfriend!
Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this story.
This user knows what the other girl was doing.
That’s right! Why would she be so persistent otherwise!
This user knows the girl has some audacity.
This user knows this gf is just their type!
This user thinks the girl went a little too far with the revenge!
Report or not, this girl really knew what she was doing!
Never mess with a possessive girlfriend!
If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.

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