October 21, 2024 at 1:21 pm

Elderly Father-In-Law Needs The Downstairs Bedroom To Avoid The Stairs, So When Her Sister-In-Law Keeps Putting Off Moving Her Things, She Does It For Her

by Jayne Elliott

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

When someone needs medical help and has health problems, ideally they wouldn’t have to walk up and down stairs to get to their bedroom.

In today’s story, an older dad desperately needs to move into the downstairs bedroom, but it’s full of all of his daughter’s stuff even though she doesn’t live there anymore.

Let’s see how the story plays out…

Moaning to Daddy the family doesn’t message you anymore.. here’s a message for you.

I will keep this as short as I can, but this is a story about my partner’s sister and needs a bit of context.

For this story we will call my boyfriend, bf, his dad, dad and his sister, A.

Me (29 (in a week) f) and my boyfriend (34m) have been together for around 5 years but a thing for about 8 (because life right 😅).

We are at that weird phase where we are ready for engagement and everything that comes with the next steps, but enjoy our holidays far too much to spend the money on a rock and a piece of paper.

We are settled, happy and it works for us.

She explains the living situation.

We currently live in his family home with his dad (70m) whilst we are saving for a house.

Paying the remainder of the mortgage and our bills is waaaay cheaper than renting and works until his dad becomes ready to downsize.

Mom is separated and lives with her partner.

My boyfriends sister, A (30f) has not long moved in with her latest boyfriend.

This will be number 6 that she has moved in with, since just before the pandemic and bf and I have been dating “officially”.

She left earlier this year but only took her “essential” items and the remainder of her belongings are piled in (and thrown around) her old room like a bomb went off.

This is leaving the largest bedroom of the house redundant as we can’t use it due to her belongings.

A needs to clear out her old bedroom.

We would like to move my bf’s dad into the big bedroom downstairs after a nasty accident that has left him recovering from surgery.

He’s currently living in the smallest room upstairs.

We have explained that she needs to come and clear out the bedroom so that we can decorate and move dad downstairs.

Every date she tells us she is coming over to finish moving out there is always an excuse and she doesn’t show.

There are 2 wardrobes, a chest of draws, her bed, the majority of her clothing, all gifts/souvenirs/ornaments, photographs, teddies.. basically everything she owns left in the room.

Oh, and her pets are still living with us too.

A came over but didn’t even go in her room.

This Saturday she finally came over to sort some belongings, but instead of sorting and packing her stuff, she sat in the living room drinking tea and moaning to her dad about work and that no-one ever speaks to her.

We used to message a lot to check in with her, invite her to Sunday dinner etc but she would just read it and not respond or not even bother to read it.

So we stopped.

We figured she will reach out when she needs/wants something and didn’t want to be “that family” that doesn’t leave her alone when she’s trying to build her own life.

After an hour or two though, she announced she had plans and left without setting foot in her room.

We don’t know when the next date will be that she graces us with her presence.

She finally took matters into her own hands.

I got home from work tonight and dad was on the sofa clearly in a lot of pain and had hurt himself going upstairs to his bedroom.

When bf got home from work, he took him to be seen medically and I stayed home to cook dinner.

As I boiled the rice, apparently I boiled my emotions too and I exploded..

I went to the bedroom and dismantled her bed, draws and dressing table and began packing her belongings into the storage boxes that we brought for her.

She sent a text to A that was basically an ultimatum.

She got the text message tonight that she was crying over this weekend though…

A photograph of the bed and other furniture dismantled, and the boxes of the stuff I have already packed.

I accompanied this, with the date she has until to finish her move out, before it all goes to the charity shop 🤣

Dad’s all ok for anyone who cares.

Strict instructions to rest up and stop going up the stairs unnecessarily.

It sounds like A would never get around to moving out.

Eventually someone had to do something to help her understand it’s urgent to move Dad downstairs.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted…

This reader thinks she should’ve packed up the room a long time ago.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Another reader wants to know what happened to dinner.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This reader suggests moving A’s stuff upstairs.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Another person would put A’s stuff in a storage unit.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

If she isn’t going to clear out her stuff, there have to be consequences.

This one is a no-brainer.

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.