October 12, 2024 at 7:46 am

Entitled Mother Wanted A Good Chunk Of Her Daughter’s Income, But The Daughter Wanted To Invest

by Sarrah Murtaza

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/cottonbro studio

Living with parents in adulthood can become a little frustrating.

It’s mainly because of the generation gap and difference in living styles, but personalities can definitely clash as well.

This mother and daughter got in an argument over their finances and how the mother feels entitled to her daughter’s hard earned money.

Check out the full story!

WIBTA if I don’t give my mom an “allowance” now that I have a job?

I (F23) recently started a job a with decent pay (120K) in a HCOL area. I’m currently living with my mom.

I would love to move out but my dad passed away several years ago and I have no other siblings so my mom is unable to let go of me as I’m all she has left (this is a separate issue).

She has been paying her mom to help her with things.

My mom has been asking me for $1000 a month to “help out” which I’ve been giving for the past six months.

The thing is, she has been very frugal all her life and I know she doesn’t need extra income from me.

She has the house paid off and hundreds of thousands in the bank + retirement funds.

Her mom has ulterior motives with her daughter’s income.

She wants money from me so she can brag to her friends that I have a good job and am supporting her. But that’s not even the main thing.

She is still stuck in her frugal mindset so all the money I give her is just getting deposited into the bank or squirreled away in cash.

(she has tens of thousands of dollars in cash hidden around the house from before I was born and it has probably lost more than half its value since then).

It shouldn’t be used to improve the quality of her life.

Mom doesn’t want to work smart with the money.

Additionally, she is paranoid about online banking so she doesn’t want to open a HYSA or individual brokerage account.

She tells me to consider the money I’m giving her as an “investment” as I’ll likely get it back in my future inheritance but from that perspective I feel like I’m just losing out on a lot of interest.

This girl simply has better plans for the money but her mom wouldn’t budge.

I tried to explain this to her and it turned into an argument with her telling me how selfish I am after “all she’s done for me.”

Part of me thinks I should ignore the deflation of money for the sake of her satisfaction but it just doesn’t sit right with me from a financial point of view.

She’s wondering if she’s doing the right thing.

WIBTA if I stop giving her money (until she really needs it)?

That’s a tricky situation!

Let’s find out what the Reddit community has to say about this one.

This user thinks rent is more expensive than paying the mother!

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person suggests moving out and saving the relationship.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person speaks from experience and knows this girl’s idea is a bad one.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This is yet another user suggesting the girl to move out.

Source: Reddit/AITA

That’s straightforward! This person knows the girl has two clear choices.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Why can’t they talk their differences through and find a way to live together while they must?

Hope things work out for the best!

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