October 10, 2024 at 3:47 am

He Couldn’t Stand This Classmate Or His Boss, So He Devised A Plan To Get Them To Work Together To Make Each Other Miserable

by Heide Lazaro

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge/Canva

Stupid classmates are common in school, while rude bosses are typical in the workplace.

But what if these two got together?

How awesome—or perhaps awful—would it be?

This man had both, which he called jerk classmate and jerk boss.

And because they made his life miserable, he devised an act of pro-level revenge where he referred his classmate to work for his former boss.

Read the full story below.

Two for One

So a few weeks back, I sort of got a 2-for-1 deal on revenge, but to explain how, I need to give a little backstory.

The first jerk, I met in college. Jerk classmate. He was in my major.

He was the laziest jerk ever.

Our department was lacking students, so they allowed him into the program to avoid budget cuts.

This man describes what it’s like to work with his jerk classmate.

Anyone unfortunate enough to get stuck with jerk classmate on a group project was pretty much doomed to do the whole project themselves.

It was a project built for a group of people to complete in a month.

Being in his group was an automatic C.

He never did work, and in my case, managed to lose all of our work after taking it home to copy it.

Despite contributing literally nothing, he felt entitled to put his name on the project, and display it in his portfolio.

At senior year, he got a job.

If he wasn’t allowed to get his way, (we stopped letting him sign his name on our projects, so he failed senior and junior year), he would badmouth you and threaten to call all of your future employers.

My senior year at that school, I got a job in my field.

It was honestly just a crappy job that was marginally better than the unpaid externships we’re expected to do.

This time, he’s working for a jerk boss.

I had a crappy boss, jerk boss.

He had me do all the dumb office stuff like make him coffee, and complain that I was bad at it (I don’t drink coffee).

He was the typical spoiled brat son inheriting a company from his dad.

He was fond of reminding me that if he knew how to use the software and the tools I did, he could also do my job, and that he was learning how so that he could get rid of my position.

He quit this job and got a better offer in another job.

Now, to my revenge.

I’m out of school and I got a much better job offer, so I politely told him to go eat a ***.

Of course, I got fired for insubordination, but I get that sweet unemployment pay until my next job kicks in.

He fired me at an inconvenient time for his company.

His former supervisor reached out to him.

Their biggest company is expecting prototypes from us. Four of them.

No one knows how to do them aside from me.

Their customer will be there in three weeks.

In a panic, nice supervisor asks if I know anyone that can do job.

He referred jerk classmate to the company he left.

I check Facebook, jerk classmate is still unemployed.

I tell him to apply. He thanks me profusely.

Nice supervisor thanks me profusely.

His jerk boss hired his jerk classmate.

Jerk classmate goes to interview with jerk boss, proceeds to badmouth me.

He claims that he carried me the whole way in college.

I check his online portfolio, and my projects are on there with my watermark still on them.

Jerk boss hires him.

Things in the company started falling apart.

Their customer comes in one week from today.

Nothing has been done.

Jerk classmate calls in sick too much.

Nice supervisor calls me to tell me she is quitting because jerk boss is taking out his anger on everyone.

Jerk classmate complains that no one appreciates him.

He thinks the company will go out of business soon.

That customer has been waiting for that prototype for 3 months.

He is over 70% of their current business, and is not happy with them.

They will possibly go out of business because of this.

What a pro-revenge!

Also, I got my friend who is an attorney to send jerk classmate a cease and desist letter to take my work off of his portfolio.

I posted that letter, as well as screenshots of him stealing my work on our field’s professional network.

Good luck getting a job now.

Let’s check out what others have to say about this story.

To describe it more clearly.

Source: Reddit/AITA

People are loving it.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Salute to the nice supervisor!

Source: Reddit/AITA

This user is impressed.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Now, that’s what we call hitting two birds with one stone!

How satisfying for this guy.

If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.