October 8, 2024 at 7:20 am

He Decided To Adopt A Son, But Now His Cousins And Their Children Are Mad At Him For Not Giving Them As Much Attention

by Jayne Elliott

Source: Reddit/Entitled People/Pexels/Vlada Karpovich

Adoption is a wonderful way to bring a child into your family when you can’t have children of your own.

In today’s story, instead of being happy for him when he adopts a child, one man’s family is angry.

Let’s see why his family is so upset…

Entitled relatives think they deserve more than my adopted son

To give some context here, I must say that I’m an IT engineer with toxic family relationships.

I did cut off my father and my uncles and aunts, yet I keep in contact with my cousins and their children, which somehow I treat as mine, as I had none and I’m an only child, therefore is the closest I got.

I always prioritized success over relationships so I’m single, and through the years I felt that my cousins’ children weren’t mine therefore I wanted to raise one of my own.

OP adopted a child.

It took me some time, but finally, I adopted an 8-year-old kid, as those usually age out of foster care.

I love the experience of raising a kid, yet I have had to deal with some entitleness from my cousins.

It turns out that every now and then I usually spend some money traveling with my cousins and their children, yet this year for obvious reasons I need to save money in order to get all of the stuff my son would need, and I’m planning on going big, the best of the best I could afford.

The cousins made his son cry.

I just explain this to my cousins and told them this year our trip together will be canceled.

They said nothing so I thought they understood the whole situation.

Anyway, I wanted my kid to socialize with my cousins’ children so I invite them all to a get-together party (after about two months, when my son felt comfortable enough) and somehow all of the kids were so mad and refused to play with my kid.

He just sit in a corner and tried to not cry, but he did.

The cousins are mad that he canceled the trip.

I just talked with the kids and they said he was not part of the family and they deserve more, as he is adopted and they, as my family, were entitled to the trip to the parks in Florida.

I was in shock and asked them where they got that from, and they told me how their parents have told them the reason why I took their trip was my son, who comes from the streets and isn’t even family.

I was fuming, so I told them all to leave.

OP cut off his cousins from any financial help.

I had a zoom meeting with just my cousins who tell me that their children must come first.

I told them they made me realize my son come first, so I canceled their college funds, their private school tuitions and just told them that if my kid is not part of their family neither am I and they were cut off.

I have been called unreasonable, but I think my son comes first and I made the right decision.

The nerve of those cousins! They should be happy for their cousin that he adopted a child instead of feeling jealous.

Let’s see how Reddit responded…

Here’s the perspective of a parent who adopted two children…

Source: Reddit/Entitled People

This reader reassures OP that he made the right decision.

Source: Reddit/Entitled People

This reader thinks OP made a great decision.

Source: Reddit/Entitled People

Another reader loves OP’s adoption story.

Source: Reddit/Entitled People

He definitely made the right decision to put his son first.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.