October 12, 2024 at 6:23 pm

His Boyfriend Treated Him Horribly And Insulted Him Publicly, So He Strung Him Along Until Everyone Could See What A Horrible Person He Really Was

by Trisha Leigh

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

Ah, young love.

It can be heady and amazing, but it can also turn swiftly into one of the most traumatic experiences of a teenager’s life.

This boy thought he’d found the one only to have him turn around and treat him like crap.

When he finally realized he was never going to change, he plotted some very harsh revenge.

Check out the details below.

Boyfriend cheats on me with my step sibling so I get him kicked out and destroy his relationship with his parents

When I was around 17 I started dating a guy (19), I’ll call him “Jake” for the sake of this post.

Also age of consent where I live is 16 so nothing illegal happening here.

We got on well, spent a lot of time together and cared for each other a lot. We even started talking about living together once we both moved out.

We were a perfectly happy couple.

Or so I thought.

Slowly, his boyfriend started to change for the worse.

You see, after we’d been dating for a few months, something in Jake changed.

He was getting a lot more distant. Whenever he was with me he’d be checking his phone constantly.

We stopped spending as much time together and he started to get really funny about public affection, regarding things like hand holding and stuff.

He also seemed to start caring less and less about my feelings.

He’d pick on my appearance a lot, bring up my family (I was dealing with a lot of family issues at the time), bring up the fact that I slept around before we started dating (a sort of rebellion caused by the family issues) etc.

If got upset by it he’d just leave the room and let me cry by myself.

I started to feel like it was my fault our relationship was falling apart, maybe I just wasn’t good enough for him.

He learned his boyfriend was a serial cheater.

I knew deep down that he was cheating on me and that was confirmed when I got a message from a guy, “David”, on Facebook telling me that he’d been sleeping with Jake.

He apologised profusely and told me that he broke things off with Jake as soon as he found out he had a boyfriend.

I couldn’t be mad at David, it wasn’t his fault. We spoke for hours and I reassured David that it wasn’t his fault and that he’d done nothing wrong.

David also helped me to stop making excuses for Jake’s attitude and the way he’d been acting. He was a godsend.

And that he had crossed a huge line.

The thing that truly broke me happened not too long after the cheating was discovered. We’d been arguing a lot more.

Then he decided to do something absolutely unforgivable. You see, I had a stained relationship with my father for years.

He’d cheat on my mother constantly and eventually, he settled down and had kids with a girl he’d been seeing behind her back.

He did try to have some sort of relationship with me till I was about 13/14 ish and then decided that he didn’t love me as much as his other kids and we stopped any and all contact.

It broke me and it still hurts to think about to this day. Anyway, Jake went out of his way to find on of my step siblings online and slept with them.

He bragged about it the next day and my step sibling actually posted online about what had happened and I received a bunch of messages from their friends telling me how I had deserved it.

This was probably the lowest point in my life and I hated myself, partly for allowing it to happen and partly because I had started to believe what they were saying.

It took him awhile to admit the truth and start forming a plan.

My only solace during this time was David (I didn’t want to burden my friends with my problems and David was one of the only people who knew, first hand what Jake was like).

We spoke for a few weeks and eventually talk turned to revenge.

I had tried calling things off a couple of months prior due to Jake’s awful behaviour but he started with the apologies and telling me he didn’t mean it, he’d never do it again.

He even spoke to some of my family members who, unknowingly, pressured me to get back together with him as we were “such a sweet couple.”

I hadn’t wanted to tell them the real reason that we’d broken up so I kept the details pretty vague,though I’m pretty sure some of them had seen my step siblings post and knew why I didn’t want to be with him.

After weeks of talking and planning, I had finally had enough and decided to do something about it.

He had to remind himself his boyfriend was never going to change.

My father wasn’t exactly a rich man but he worked a pretty well paying job and earned enough money to live fairly comfortably.

He had begun spreading rumours around when I was younger (during a custody battle with my mother) that he had set up a trust fund for me and that there was enough money there to get me set up in my own place when I was 18, plus a bit extra.

I knew that this was absolute bull, he tried to get out of paying child support all the time, of course he’d never set up a trust fund for me.

However, Jake didn’t.

We’d never spoken about it a lot but he’d heard the rumours and I’d just always say what I told you folks, my father was an appalling parent who grudged paying my mother child support so why the hell would he set up a trust fund.

But Jake wouldn’t listen, he even did his own research into the type of job my father worked and came up with an estimate of how much he thought my father was earning.

Though, to his credit, he did drop the subject whenever I asked him to, for a while anyways.

I decided to use this to my advantage.

He convinced his boyfriend they were going to move into a nice flat together.

Jake and I were still dating though I avoided him at any chance I got.

Until one night where I sat him down and told him that since I’d be turning eighteen in a couple of weeks, I’d started thinking about us getting our own place. With the trust fund my father had set up for me.

He immediately cheered up at this and honestly I think that night was the first time in months that he’d said anything nice to me when we weren’t in public or with friends/family.

This very nearly made me want to call the whole thing off but I spoke with David later that night and he reminded me that Jake would go back to his usual degrading attitude in no time.

We started looking at flats, though Jake was “kind enough” to let me have the final say and handle the paperwork (because how could he possibly go out and cheat on me if he had to sort out the paperwork for a flat).

I was a little surprised by this to be very honest as I’d always thought that he’d want his name on the paperwork and everything so I couldn’t kick him out.

But by this point he’d slept with my step sibling, degraded me, smashed my self confidence to pieces and cheated on me regularly, I think by now he thought that I wouldn’t kick him out no matter what he did.

But he had plans of his own.

Anyways, I started taking up extra shifts at work to try and save enough money to actually move out.

Not with Jake though, oh no. I was moving in with my friend, Emma. We had both been thinking about moving out for a while anyways and though, why not just be roommates.

We found a cute little one bedroom flat that was close to our college and work and started getting stuff sorted to move in.

I also didn’t want to bring any trouble to my mothers door if Jake started kicking up a fuss, Emma had no issues with clawing the face off him if need be and told me not to worry about him coming to our front door.

And he figured everyone should know what kind of jerk the boyfriend was before he blocked him for good.

Then came the next part of the plan. I waited till a week or so before Jake and I were supposedly moving into our own flat and stole his phone for a few minutes.

He’d stopped caring about leaving his phone unattended and would sometimes flat out brag about how lucky he was to be able to sleep with whoever he wanted and come home to “a little bitch” who’d make him dinner.

So that day when he went for a shower, he wasn’t all too bothered about taking his phone with him. Perfect.

I went onto his phone, deleted my number from his contacts and changed the name of his mm’s contact as mine.

Pleased, I went to the kitchen, smashed one of the plates (it was my mother’s but it was a cheap one from a local shop and I did replace it as soon as possible).

I left for work once everything was done (my mother had left for work a couple hours prior so she was safe). I just needed a reason for him to get pissed off.

An, oh boy, did he get pissed off.

This must have been quite the satisfying moment.

His first reaction was to text me, calling me all the disgusting names under the sun.

Except it wasn’t me he’d texted, it was his mum.

I’d texted her in advance and told her that I hoped she’d forgive me but she had to see what her son was really like.

She’d never tried to defend him as much as she just hadn’t known quite how bad his behaviour was.

She’d actually called him out a couple of times where he’d slipped up and been harsh with me when she was there.

She. Went. Ape.

I never found out exactly how their argument went as she phoned him to scream at him and call him out for his bad behaviour, finally seeing how horrible her son was.

It didn’t help that she’d been sent screenshots of some of the times where he’d admitted to cheating.

She was absolutely disgusted by her sons behaviour and phoned me to apologise on Jake’s behalf. It wasn’t her fault though, he’s old enough to know how to act like a damn adult.

He wound up telling his mum essentially that her opinion didn’t matter as he’d be moving in with me anyways.

When he was down, he kicked him.

Needless to say when he called me on Facebook (after I deleted my number from his phone) I took some satisfaction in telling him that we weren’t moving in together, that the trust fund wasn’t real (I’d already told him that in the past, he just refused to listen) and that I’d moved in with Emma.

I was called all the sluts and whores under the sun, his voice sort of turned into white noise after a while. I told him we were over and hung up. Blocked him on everything.

He had to run back to his mum and dad, his tail between his legs, and they took him back for a little while.

Though after a bit, the arguments became too much and his parents kicked him out, he stayed with a couple of friends for a few months before he managed to get his own place.

His parents, especially his mother, have not been the same with him since. I still talk to his mum on occasion.

Shockingly, the jerk is still having a hard time keeping friends.

Lastly, David and I took the liberty of sending screenshots of Jake’s abuse to as many of the people he’d been hooking up with as possible.

A couple of sleepless nights were spent trying to track people down on Facebook. P

art of it was to get back at Jake but most of it was just to make sure that none of them got roped into a full on relationship with him and had to deal with all the crap I’d gone through.

So there it is, my little story of pro revenge. I know this is really long so there’s a tldr below.

I wasn’t ever planning on posting my story but I was scrolling through Facebook the other day and one of Jake’s new accounts popped up on the People You May Now section.

After talking with Emma about it, she suggested posting it here, I hope it fits in this subreddit. Bye 🙂

Cheaters never prosper, right?

Let’s see what Reddit has to say about this one…

The top comment appreciates his commitment.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

These guys never change.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

Everyone hopes the poster is doing better now.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

Because ew.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

You’ve gotta take care of yourself.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

This kid is lucky he got out of that one.

Dodged a bullet, I’d say.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.