October 12, 2024 at 10:49 pm

Pet Owner Doesn’t Have Their Dog On A Leash In Their Own Yard, So When It Runs Over To Greet A Neighbor And Their Much Larger Dog… Things Get Heated

by Laura Ornella

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Lisa Fotios

Every dog is different — so what should the owner’s etiquette be regarding leashes?

Well, some people might say it depends on the law in your area.

This Redditor just seems to want to understand why his well-behaved dog bothers his neighbor so much.

Check out the details!

AITA For not having my dog on a leash or tied up when he’s in my own yard

I have a 2-year old Pomeranian, Spot. He’s absolutely adorable, and I love him and all that.

I live in a townhouse and have a small yard area in front. I routinely bring Spot out into the front yard to let him run around, sniff things, try to chase squirrels, etc.

Sometimes I put him on a leash or tied up to a run, but not all the time.

Maybe there’s an invisible boundary the dog has?

He never strays too far from me and, even if he does, he listens really well and comes back right away.

Well, since it’s been so nice where I live lately and we had a long winter, I took Spot out into the yard the other day because we have both been stuck inside for far too long.

That is understandable, as long as Spot doesn’t run off and misbehave.

At first I had him tied to his run, but since he was just laying next to me in the sun anyway, I took it off in case he wanted to explore.

A little bit later, a young man walked by with a toddler in a stroller and a larger dog that looked like a German Shepherd mix.

His dog was leashed, but as soon as he saw my dog, I could tell he started pulling on it.

Oh yes, that’s a surefire sign to keep the dogs apart.

My dog jumped up and ran over to them. He wasn’t aggressive about it, he’s just a friendly little guy.

And also, he’s small.

The guy stopped and got control of his dog, but Spot tried to jump up to put his front paws on the stroller and the guy yelled at Spot and physically pushed him away.

Spot whimpered and ran back to me.

I’m sure that guy was protecting his child. The owner understands that, right?

That’s when I got up and yelled at the guy and asked him what the **** he was doing.

He yelled back at me to “control my ******* dog.”

I told him my dog was harmless and he was just trying to say hi.

He said he didn’t care, if he had wanted my dog to say hi to his kid he “would have ******* asked you.”

Oof, yeah, this owner shows no tolerance for Spot’s behavior…

I told him there was no need for that type of language and that he’s the one who touched my dog, and my dog didn’t even get close to his kid.

He turned around and walked the way he came but called me a bunch of names on his way, including slurs for the female reproductive system and a female dog.

Since he was yelling, a couple of my neighbors poked their heads out of their houses and one came over to see if everything was alright.

I wonder what the neighbor thinks.

I told him what happened, and he actually sided with the other guy. He said that if I had my dog on a leash then none of that would have happened.

He didn’t even care that the other guy was the one who touched my dog.

Ok, so is there anyone that sides with this guy?

I told a friend about it, and she was more sympathetic and said the other guy was definitely in the wrong and absolutely shouldn’t have said those things to me.

Now, Spot is afraid to go outside and cowers whenever he hears a man talking loudly or yelling on TV.

Hm, yeah, this owner doesn’t seem to understand the father’s side of things.

Does Reddit? Let’s read the comments and find out.

Redditors called out the danger this unleashed dog presented.

Source: Reddit/AITA

They also mentioned how invasive it is for a strange dog to run up to people.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Some even mentioned how Spot is also in danger in this situation.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Others questioned this creative writing. Regardless, they were still marked “YTA.”

Source: Reddit/AITA

This dog owner was undoubtedly in the wrong.

If you’re going to own a pet, you’re responsible for their behavior.

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